5 Causes of Divorce
“Till death do us part.” That’s your belief going into a marriage. Through thick and thin, you’ll work it out and be the strongest couple to walk the planet. Sadly, no matter how perfect a marriage might seem on the outside, insider problems can build up over time and lead to a divorce. While many […]
The Top 5 Facts About Medieval Money
It used to be all about the barter system. I’ll give you these loaves of bread for that bottle of wine, or I’ll give you three healthy sheep in exchange for your mighty ox, and things like that. But as villages and cities grew during the Middle Ages, currency—in the form of coins of varying […]
Top 5 Most Unfortunate Fashion Trends of the '90s
The 90s era is known for grunge rock, Nintendo Game Boys and big old boom boxes. While plenty of things are memorable, some are easily forgettable—starting with fashion. Many decades have high points in the fashion world that revive every other decade or so. This isn’t likely to happen with anything from the ’90s. Read […]
Five Calorie-Burning Household Activities
If you dread going to the gym, you’ll be happy to hear that getting on top of your to-do list will help you keep a trim physique. While any type of activity will surely burn off a few calories, some of your chores are particularly helpful for keeping you in shape. 5. Painting If the […]
Top 5 Common Grammar Mistakes
Thanks to texting, email and social media, people are writing more than ever these days. That’s not to say people are writing good, er, well. If you aren’t a professional writer, or if it’s been years since your last composition class, be aware of some of the most common writing errors. This way, you’ll avoid […]
Top 5 Date Ideas for Active People
Whether it is your first date or a special occasion with your long-term partner, active dates like a trip to an amusement park, rock climbing, or playing board games can add excitement and fun. These activities help you step out of your comfort zone and provide quality time to connect with your date uniquely and […]
Top 5 Mysterious World Landmarks
If you were a sentient being during the early 1970s, you couldn’t miss “Chariots of the Gods” by Erich von Daniken, in either book or movie form. This documentary intrigued a whole generation, spurring the most adventurous to brave long, cramped flights, unfamiliar bacteria and temperature extremes to see the world’s most mysterious places for […]
Top 5 Things Women Like to Hear on the First Date
A first date is already full of pressure. How do you look? What does she think? Will she order the most expensive thing on the menu? Don’t blow it completely by saying the wrong thing. Even better, make time before the date to practice saying the right things. When you go on a date, have […]
Top 5 Best Reviews
Best Reviews and Advice to Simplify Your Buying Decisions