5 Things Never to Say on a First Date

Dating can be hard sometimes. Check out these phrases never to say on a first date that will kill your chances at scoring a second date!

Going on a first date can stir up a mix of emotions, from excitement to nervousness and awkwardness. It’s important to choose your words wisely and avoid certain topics, like criminal activity, obsession with children’s beauty pageants, and belief in extra-terrestrial beings. Here are five phrases that can ruin your chances of a second date. To improve your chances of a successful date, consider adding strength training to your workout routine to sustain enhanced speed and performance over time.

5. How Much Do You Earn?

couple at a bar on a first date

Forget About Finances

Asking someone about their financial situation is impolite and can invite unnecessary judgment. It’s best to avoid discussing finances, whether it’s your first or 50th date. Keep it simple and focus on building a connection without opening yourself up to potential discomfort.

What to Say Instead

Engage your date in conversation by asking about their work: “What do you do?”. Explore their passion by inquiring about their job satisfaction and career path. Before you know it, the dialogue will flow, leaving behind any awkward first date feelings.

4. I Hate It When…

couple having an awkward first date conversation

Avoid Negativity

It’s crucial to avoid negativity on a first date. Everything from bad-mouthing your job, family, or life, to simply showing up with a frown, can squash the mood and ruin any chance of a second date. So, take a deep breath, smile, and bring a positive attitude to the table. Your date will appreciate the effort, and who knows, you may end up having a great time.

What to Say Instead

“I’m passionate about…”

Share your passions with your date – do you adore cooking or obsess over a TV show? Your enthusiasm is part of what makes you interesting. Bring a positive, romantic vibe to your conversations and leave negativity aside. Ultimately, you want to show your date what brings you joy in life.

3. I Assumed You Were Picking Up the Check

things never to say on a first date, i thought you were picking up the check

The Matter of the Bill

Sharing a delightful dinner complete with scrumptious food, laughter, and captivating conversation is the perfect start to a first date. However, when it comes to footing the bill, things can quickly turn awkward and uncomfortable. Assuming that your date will cover the cost or stating the same can leave a negative impression, and could ruin what would otherwise be a perfect evening. It is crucial to avoid making presumptions and instead, tactfully handle the situation. Remember, a successful first date is brought to life by genuine interactions, not monetary transactions.

What to Say Instead

“Should we split the bill?”

First dates can be stressful for both men and women. There’s often a lot of concern over who should pay for the check. In these situations, it’s always best to plan to pay for yourself at the very least. It’s polite to make the attempt and offer to pay. However, there’s no harm in accepting if your partner insists on footing the bill, as long as you’re comfortable with it. Remember: The most important thing is to focus on enjoying each other’s company!

2. I’m Still Getting Over My Ex

woman not happy with the first date conversation

Leave Your Ex in the Past

If you’re not over your ex, why are you even dating? Going on a date isn’t how to heal a broken heart. Instead, you should be taking some time out to get to know yourself again and move on from your past relationship. However, if you do feel the need to go straight back into the dating game fresh after a break-up, talking about the ex is another thing never to say on a first date.

Admitting outright that you are not over your ex is going to make your date feel awkward and that they are wasting their time. It will make them feel like a rebound, and they won’t be able to take you seriously. It’s not fair on them, and you won’t be giving them a fair chance if you’re meeting them knowing you’re still in love with your ex.

What to Say Instead

“Tell me about your closest friends.”

When building a new relationship, take the time to explore each other’s interests and personalities before diving into past relationship stories. Stimulate the conversation by discussing friendships and hobbies, seeking to discover more about how they spend their time and what they love doing.

1. You Look Different in Your Profile Photo

a couples holding a heart sign

Don’t Criticize Their Appearance

Avoid this mistake on a date: never comment negatively if your date’s appearance does not match the photo they’ve shared. Even if you think it’s a compliment, it can come across as rude and insensitive. With 49 million Americans using online dating, outdated pictures can be a frustrating issue on even the best platforms. But don’t let this discourage you- online dating is a popular and effective way to build meaningful connections and find a life partner.

Remember, while profile pictures do matter, they are not the most important factor in determining compatibility. A picture cannot predict the chemistry two people may have in person. If you don’t feel a spark, treat your date respectfully and politely move on. Keep an open mind and take the chance to meet new people- you never know where this may lead!

What to Say Instead

“Your profile picture doesn’t do you justice.”

When complimenting someone, make it authentic and from the right place. If you genuinely like their outfit or their beautiful smile catches your eye, let them know! Doing so will put your date at ease and cultivate a deeper sense of comfort between you both.

Things Never to Say on the First Date

It’s wise to steer clear of awkward topics in conversation. Doing so frees you from worry about misspeaking and boosts confidence.

For more tips on mastering the art of first dates, raising your conversation game, and impressing the lady in your life, follow the link to our latest article on what women love in a first impression.

5 things never to say on a first date