El Vientre De Una Niña De 3 Años No Deja De Crecer, El Médico Le Dice A La Madre Que No Es Un Bebé


¿Qué Le Ha Pasado A Mi Hija?

La frenética madre no podía creer lo que estaba viendo.

No esperaba ver esto. Su bebé dormía profundamente. Ni siquiera sabía que había ocurrido.

La cariñosa madre cepilló suavemente el pelo de su hija. No quería despertarla. Su vida iba a ser una pesadilla después de esto. No tenía ni idea de lo que le esperaba.

Una Gran Madre


Patricia Louis siempre había sido una madre dedicada a sus dos hijos.

Vivían en un barrio tranquilo de Nashville, Tennessee. Eran una familia feliz.

Pero nada podría haberla preparado para la conmoción que experimentó cuando se dio cuenta de que a su hija de tres años le pasaba algo. Su tripa tenía una forma diferente, había crecido exponencialmente de la noche a la mañana.



La madre, de 34 años, estaba preocupada. “¿Estás bien, hija mía? ¿Sientes algún dolor?”.

La niña asintió: “No me encuentro bien, mamá”. Patricia siempre había sido una madre cariñosa con su hija pequeña, Jaimie. 

Desde que nació, Patricia había dedicado su vida a asegurarse de que Jaimie tuviera todo lo necesario para prosperar. Por eso, cuando el estómago de Jaimie empezó a crecer, Patricia se preocupó de inmediato.   

No El Suficiente Tiempo


Paul, el padre de Jaimie, estaba preocupado. Era camionero y pasaba largas temporadas fuera de casa.

No podía estar en casa cuando su mujer más le necesitaba.

Patricia tenía varias teorías sobre el extraño estómago de su hija. Al principio, pensó que se trataba de una hinchazón o una indigestión, pero a medida que pasaban los días, la hinchazón se hacía más pronunciada y ella se preocupaba cada vez más.



A pesar de sus temores, Patricia dudó en llevar a Jaimie al hospital.

Tenía miedo de lo que pudieran decir los médicos, y la posibilidad de que su hija pudiera estar sufriendo una enfermedad grave era demasiado para ella. 

Pero cuando Jaimie empezó a quejarse de dolor de estómago y a estar aletargada, Patricia supo que había llegado el momento de buscar ayuda médica.

No Puede Ser Verdad


Al principio, Patricia pensó que Jaimie podría estar embarazada.

Era una idea ridícula, por supuesto, dado que Jaimie sólo tenía tres años. Pensó que no podía ser, ¿verdad?

Pero la idea de que a su hija le ocurriera algo grave llenaba a Patricia de un temor que no podía disipar. Tenía que pedir la opinión de un profesional lo antes posible.

La Jerga Médica


La visita al hospital fue un torbellino de ansiedad y confusión.

Patricia no podía creer lo que le había dicho el médico: que su hija no estaba embarazada, pero que había algo muy grave en sus órganos. 

Se le encogió el corazón al oír por primera vez palabras confusas y luchó por controlar sus emociones. ¿No podía ver el médico que ella no entendía?

Un Alivio


Llevar a Jaimie al hospital hizo que las cosas salieran a la luz.

Patricia se sintió aliviada al saber que su hija no estaba embarazada. Pero la noticia que vino a continuación fue aún más alarmante. 

El médico le hizo una ecografía y confirmó que a Jaimie le pasaba algo más. Tenía una rara enfermedad que hacía que sus órganos se hincharan dentro de su cuerpo.

Raro Hallazgo


A Jaimie le dieron diuréticos para reducir la retención de agua en su cuerpo, pero estaba claro que necesitaba un corazón nuevo.

Los médicos intentaron conseguirle un nuevo donante, pero el problema era que no había muchos corazones del tamaño de un niño pequeños disponibles para trasplante.

Patricia y su marido se pusieron en contacto con médicos de Melbourne, con la esperanza de encontrar un trasplante que salvara la vida de su hija. Tuvieron suerte, había uno, pero tuvieron que ir al extranjero.

Cambio De Vida


Las semanas siguientes fueron un torbellino de visitas al hospital, pruebas médicas y regímenes de medicación.

A Jaimie le dieron más diuréticos para ayudarla a reducir la retención de líquidos en el cuerpo, y un equipo de médicos y enfermeras la controlaba constantemente. 

El estrés de ver cómo se deterioraba la salud de su hija hizo mella en Patricia, que se sintió impotente y abrumada.

Decisiones Difíciles


Cuando la gravedad del estado de Jaimie se hizo evidente, Patricia y su marido empezaron a explorar otras opciones.

Se pusieron en contacto con médicos de Melbourne (Australia) para estudiar la posibilidad de un trasplante de corazón. Se confirmó.

La decisión de seguir adelante con la operación no fue fácil: sabían que había riesgos, pero también que era su mejor oportunidad de salvar la vida de su hija.

De Camino A Australia


La familia de tres miembros empezó a planear su viaje al extranjero.

Se organizaron para el cambio de país, pero el viaje fue largo y difícil. Al cuerpo de Jaimie le costó adaptarse en el avión y sufrió una serie de complicaciones.

Patricia y su marido estuvieron constantemente a su lado, consolándola y brindándole apoyo mientras ella luchaba contra el dolor y las molestias.

Buenas Noticias


Aunque la operación fue un éxito, hubo algunos pequeños contratiempos durante la recuperación de Jaimie.

Patricia y su marido vieron cómo su pequeña luchaba por recuperar fuerzas, deseando que mejorara cada día. 

Tuvieron que cuidarla en la cama, ya que no podía andar ni moverse mucho. No la dejaban salir del hospital.

Mantenerse Fuerte


Los contratiempos fueron duros de soportar, pero Patricia se mantuvo firme.

Sacó fuerzas del amor que sentía por su hija y de saber que estaban haciendo todo lo posible para ayudarla a recuperarse. 

Era difícil ir al hospital todos los días, así que se las arreglaban para conseguir una sala libre siempre que había una disponible. Cada día era un nuevo reto, pero lo afrontaban juntos como una familia.

El Largo Camino


A medida que los días se convertían en semanas, Patricia y su marido estaban cada vez más preocupados.

Lo único que querían era llevarse a su hija a casa, pero sabían que había que vigilar de cerca a Jaimie para asegurarse de que se curaba bien.

Su corazón iba cogiendo ritmo poco a poco y empezaba a recuperar algo de color en la cara. ¿Por fin Patricia y Paul iban a recuperar a su pequeña? Sólo el tiempo lo diría.

Se Necesita Tiempo


Poco a poco, Jaimie empezó a mostrar más signos de mejoría. Empezó a recuperar fuerzas y a animarse.

Un día incluso consiguió sentarse sola. “Es una niña fuerte”, dijo su madre.

Patricia y su marido estaban encantados de ver que su pequeña progresaba, pero en el fondo sabían que aún le quedaba un largo camino de recuperación.



Los médicos empezaron algunas terapias físicas con la niña. Pensaron que le ayudarían con el ejercicio cardiovascular.

No se dieron cuenta de que cansarían tan rápidamente a la pequeña. 

Jaime empeoró y estuvo tres días en cama. Sus padres estaban furiosos con el equipo médico. “Mi hija no es un experimento científico. Está viva. ¿No tenéis vergüenza?” Les dijo Pablo.

Había Que Intentarlo


Fueron momentos difíciles para la familia Louis, pero mantuvieron la esperanza.

Pasaron incontables horas junto a la cama de Jaimie, hablándole, leyéndole y simplemente estando a su lado.

Finalmente, después de lo que pareció una eternidad, Jaimie empezó a mostrar signos de mejoría. Sus niveles de energía aumentaron y recuperó el apetito. Los médicos se mostraron cautelosamente optimistas, y Patricia sintió un rayo de esperanza por primera vez en meses.

Mi Insólita Hija


A Patricia se le encogió el corazón al oír el diagnóstico. Nunca había oído hablar de la miocardiopatía restrictiva y mucho menos sabía cómo tratarla. Pero sabía que tenía que ser fuerte por su hija.

Pero el camino que le quedaba por recorrer era largo e incierto. Jaimie tendría que seguir con su régimen de medicación y siempre existía el riesgo de rechazo.

Patricia intentó mantenerse positiva, pero sabía que aún quedaban muchos obstáculos por superar.

Duro Para Ella


La recuperación de la niña fue larga y difícil para ella. Jaimie tuvo que someterse a innumerables pruebas y procedimientos, y Patricia y su marido estaban constantemente preocupados por el siguiente obstáculo al que tendría que enfrentarse su hija. 

Su cuerpo no cogía peso y siempre parecía enferma y triste. ¿Qué más podían hacer?

Su régimen médico era tan estricto que a veces tenían miedo de tocarla.

Accustomed To Change


The couple had been in Melbourne for over a month now.

They were getting accustomed to life in a different country, even though the circumstances were difficult.

Despite the challenges, the Louis family never lost hope. They knew that Jaimie was a fighter and that she would make it through this difficult time. But would they be able to make it to the final round?

Not Giving Up


As the weeks turned into months, Patricia watched her daughter slowly but steadily regain her strength.

Jaimie was able to play and laugh again, and her parents were overjoyed to see her enjoying life once more. 

They were grateful to the doctors and nurses who had worked tirelessly to save her, and they felt blessed to have their family reunited. Were things really looking up?

Big Changes


They were able to move Jaime into a normal pediatric ward.

She was allowed to make friends and see the other children. It really changed her mood.

As the months passed, Jaimie continued to improve. She began to play and laugh again, and her parents felt as though they had their little girl back. Although, there was a question on everyone’s mind. What would happen once she was discharged?

A Glimmer Of Hope


For the first time in months, Patricia started to feel like herself again.

She felt as though things would finally be normal again. “Maybe this time it’s for good,” she told her husband.

Looking back on that difficult time, Patricia knew that they had been through a lot as a family. The fear, the uncertainty, and the pain had been almost too much to bear. They feared that the worst would happen to their little girl.

Not For Now


The couple had even more problems as the medical bills started piling up. They didn’t even understand what half of the treatments and procedures were for.

But even though Jaimie was doing better, Patricia and her husband knew that there was still a long way to go.

They were grateful for every day that they had with their daughter, but they also knew that they would never take a single moment for granted. If they did, they could end up with a very sad situation.

Other Problems


Patricia knew that she would have to get a full-time caregiver for Jaimie. She would have to go back to work when she returned to the U.S.

She felt a sense of gratitude for every moment they had together and a renewed appreciation for the simple things in life – the sound of Jaimie’s laughter, the warmth of the sun on their faces, the simple pleasure of a family meal.

But if she really thought that things were over, she was mistaken.

An Urgent Email


But it wasn’t the only problem they were facing.

Patricia had received a very urgent email from work. She had been so busy that there wasn’t any time to look at it.

But now, since it was marked as urgent, she had to look at it. She clicked on the email, wondering what it could be. She wasn’t ready for what she would read.

What Did They Want?


She sat down with only a moment to spare, knowing that they had to prepare Jaimie to go home.

She had been on leave for a few months, but she still wondered what had come up that needed her urgent attention.

When Patricia eventually clicked on the email, she couldn’t believe her eyes. It was something she had not expected. It would change everything, and it all had to do with her daughter.



The email had detailed all the time that she had been away from work.

It was, of course, unpaid leave, but now, it seemed like her workplace was giving her an ultimatum.

Either she would have to return to work within the next week, or she would be let go from her position. Patricia’s mouth nearly fell to the ground. She felt tears stream down her face. Did she have to choose between her work or her daughter?



She found her eyes proofreading the email again and again.

Patricia immediately panicked when she read the words for the third time. She wanted to make sure that it was indeed what she was reading.

According to them, they needed someone to fill her position because they had several new clients, and the workload had doubled substantially. Patricia’s heart was beating, and she didn’t know what to do. What would happen to her daughter?

The Toughest Decision


Patricia knew that she had to make a decision quickly.

She couldn’t afford to lose her job, but at the same time, she couldn’t abandon Jaimie during her recovery.

She talked to her husband about it, and they both agreed that Jaimie needed her full attention right now. But what would her work think of that?

Explaining Her Situation


They decided that Patricia would take a leave of absence for a few more months to take care of Jaimie, even if it meant risking losing her job.

Patricia took a deep breath and began typing an email to her boss, explaining her situation. 

She told them that she would need to extend her leave of absence for a few more months, but she would do her best to catch up on work as soon as possible. She was nervous about their response, but she hit send anyway. She felt tears well up in her eyes again, would they let her take the absence?

A Surprising Response


To her surprise, Patricia’s boss replied with understanding and sympathy.

They said that they would support her decision and would be willing to work with her to find a way to balance her work and family responsibilities.

Patricia was relieved and grateful for their response. She hadn’t expected them to be so kind to her after everything they had been through. It meant that their daughter could be looked after.

That’s A Wrap


Eventually, Jaimie was well enough to go home.

Patricia and her husband were overjoyed to have their little girl back under their roof, and they did everything in their power to make sure that she was comfortable and happy, although she still had to undergo regular checkups and treatments.

They made arrangements to return home to America. They were ready to start life anew with Jaimie. It was a new world of possibilities.

Support From Family


Patricia’s family also came together to help her during this tough time.

Her parents offered to help take care of Jaimie while she went back to work, and her siblings pitched in with meals and errands.

Although she felt blessed to have such a supportive and loving family, she didn’t want to place too much strain on everybody else.

Taking It One Day at a Time


With her family’s help and her workplace’s understanding, Patricia was able to focus on Jaimie’s recovery without worrying about losing her job.

She knew that there were still challenges ahead, but she took it one day at a time and tried to stay positive.

She continued to be grateful for every moment she had with her daughter. But their problems were not over, it seemed.

The Next Hurdle


However, just as Jaimie was starting to recover, Patricia’s husband was laid off from his job.

They had been struggling with the medical bills and now had to deal with a loss of income as well.

Patricia felt like they were constantly facing new challenges. It was all becoming too much, but she tried to stay strong for her family. 

Job Hunting


With her husband’s layoff, Paul had to start looking for a new job to support their family.

He spent hours sending out resumes and going on interviews, but it seemed like every job he applied for was already taken.

He started to feel discouraged and worried about their future. Would they be able to come out of this new situation?

A New Opportunity


Just when Paul was starting to lose hope, he received a call from a company he had interviewed with months ago.

They said that they had a new opening and wanted to offer him the job.

Paul was ecstatic and relieved. It felt like a new chapter was starting for their family. This was the breakthrough they had been hoping for.

Jaimie’s Progress


As the months went by, Jaimie continued to make progress.

She was able to eat solid food again and was slowly regaining her strength.

She was also starting to talk more and more, and her laughter filled the house again. Patricia and Paul couldn’t believe that their luck had turned around for the better like this. 

A New Chapter


With his new job, Paul was able to support his family again.

They were able to pay off their medical bills and start saving for the future.

Jaimie continued to make progress and was finally able to go back to school. Patricia was still able to work at her old job. They couldn’t have been happier.

More Challenges To Face?


They knew that there would still be challenges ahead, but they faced them together, grateful for every moment they had as a family.

But they needed a break and decided to do something fun.

It was time to celebrate the little victories they had achieved as a family. Jaimie deserved a party to let her know that she had come a long way.

Jaimie’s Progress Party


On the day of the party, all their friends and family were happy to see them. It was a bittersweet reunion.

They hadn’t seen anyone since they had returned from Australia.

But even though Jaimie was home, Patricia and her husband continued to worry about their daughter, but they knew that they had to stay strong for her.

Stronger Than Before


Despite everything that they had been through, the Louis family had grown even closer.

They had faced their challenges together and had emerged stronger for it.

The little girl knew that she was special. She was different from the other children. Her grandmother said it was because she had a ‘soft heart.’ She was an angel child.

Happy Family Again


The family was reunited with their elder child. They spent time together and tried to bond again as a family of four. Patricia was grateful that her mother took care of her son while she was away.

As Jaimie grew older, she never forgot the love and support that her parents had shown her. She knew that they had been there for her through the toughest time.

To protect the privacy of those depicted, some names, locations, and identifying characteristics have been changed and are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblances to actual events, places, or persons, living or dead, are entirely coincidental.