Novio Comprueba Los Resultados De ADN De La Novia Y Cancela La Boda


Enfrentarse A La Verdad

Anna miró a Jake con lágrimas en los ojos. Esto lo cambiaría todo. La vida que habían estado planeando había terminado, y todo gracias a su padre.

En cuanto Jake canceló la boda, empezó a asimilarlo. Aquel trozo de papel que recibió por correo mientras se preparaba lo había arruinado todo. Ya no había vuelta atrás.

Estaban sufriendo las consecuencias de las acciones de otras personas, y no había nada que pudieran hacer al respecto.

Una Vida Dura


Anna Newland no tuvo la mejor vida mientras crecía. La abandonaron en la puerta de un orfanato cuando tenía pocos días y pasó los primeros años de su vida sola.

No fue adoptada hasta que cumplió tres años, pero la forma en que empezó su vida tuvo un impacto duradero en ella.

Y por eso, se cerró en banda. Eso fue hasta que conoció a Jake.

Sentirse Sola


Al crecer, Anna siempre sintió que estaba sola. Sentía que no pertenecía a la familia que la acogió, y eso se reflejaba en todo lo que hacía.

Nunca tuvo amigos y era reservada la mayor parte del tiempo porque temía no sentirse bien recibida por los demás.

Así que se centró en lo único que creía que la ayudaría a sentirse como en casa: encontrar a sus padres.

Sólo Queda Una Cosa


El problema es que a Anna no le quedaba mucho. Cuando la dejaron en el orfanato, sólo llevaba unas cuantas fotos.

No había ninguna nota, ningún nombre ni ningún motivo. Fue la señora que dirigía el orfanato la que le puso el nombre de Anna, y sólo obtuvo su apellido cuando fue adoptada.

Así que las fotos eran su única pista.

Encontrar Al Hombre Adecuado


Pero tras años de búsqueda e innumerables decepciones, Anna decidió tirar la toalla. Ya tenía treinta años y decidió que era hora de seguir adelante con su vida.

Pocos meses después de tomar esa decisión, Anna conoció a un hombre que pondría su mundo patas arriba.

Jake Thompson era exactamente lo que ella necesitaba en su vida y, durante un tiempo, todo parecía perfecto. Pero el día de su boda, ocurrió algo que lo cambiaría todo.

Se Completaban El Uno Al Otro


Anna se enamoró a primera vista y se dio cuenta de que el sentimiento era mutuo. Cuanto más tiempo pasaba con Jake, más sentía que estaban hechos el uno para el otro.

Se completaban el uno al otro de formas que ella nunca creyó posibles y, por eso, sentía que él era la única persona en el mundo con la que podía abrirse.

Pero no sabía por qué las cosas le parecían tan perfectas con él.

Una Vida Nueva


Lo único que sabía era que él le estaba ofreciendo una nueva vida, y ella deseaba eso más que cualquier otra cosa. Quería sentirse querida y aceptada, y él se lo daba a diario.

Y con el tiempo, Anna fue dejando atrás los miedos y las inseguridades que la habían retenido durante tantos años.

Poco sabía ella que esos sentimientos volverían con toda su fuerza.

Dos Años De Relación


Después de dos años de relación, Anna sentía que su vida no podía ir mejor. Había olvidado su pasado y todos los terribles recuerdos que lo acompañaban y se había convertido en una persona totalmente nueva.

Era más sociable y extrovertida. Le encantaba relacionarse con la gente.

Pero lo más importante, adoraba al hombre que estaba a su lado.

Hacer La Pregunta


Su relación iba tan bien que Anna no se lo pensó dos veces cuando Jake le propuso matrimonio. Inmediatamente le dio una respuesta, y fue un gran sí.

Encantados de dar el siguiente paso, la pareja empezó inmediatamente a planear su boda, y como decidieron tomarse una excedencia en el trabajo en otoño, pensaron que sería el momento perfecto para decir sus votos.

Sin embargo, nunca llegarían a ese punto.

No Había Mucho Tiempo


Faltaban menos de dos meses para la fecha fijada y tenían mucho que hacer para prepararse para el gran día. Anna aún tenía que reunirse con la familia de Jake y prepararlo todo para la boda.

Así que no era de extrañar que estuviera hecha un manojo de nervios.

Tenía el plato lleno hasta los topes, sobre todo porque lo único que quería era causar una buena impresión.

Preparándose Para Conocer A Su Familia


El tiempo pasó volando y, antes de que ella se diera cuenta, había llegado el momento de que Anna y Jake hicieran el viaje al rancho de la familia de él.

Llevaban semanas planeándolo, pero eso no facilitaba las cosas para Anna. A medida que se acercaba el gran día, se ponía cada vez más nerviosa.

Lo que ella no sabía era que su llegada encendería una llama que acabaría arruinando todo lo que habían planeado.

Extremadamente Nerviosa


El día había llegado y, durante el vuelo, los nervios de Anna se dispararon. No paraba de repetirse a sí misma que no era lo bastante buena para un hombre como Jake y que su madre se daría cuenta en un instante.

Eso se sumaba a la presión que ya sentía porque había oído que las suegras no siempre estaban contentas con las mujeres con las que se casaban sus hijos.

Pero ése sería el menor de sus problemas.

Notar Algo


Llegaron a la casa grande y Anna apenas podía mirar a Jake a los ojos. Se acercaron a sus padres, que esperaban en la puerta.

Anna se tragó el nudo que tenía en la garganta.

Extendió la mano para saludar al padre de Jake y notó algo extraño. “Oh”, dijo, intrigada. “Bonito anillo de boda. Es muy singular”.

Mirar Hacia Arriba


“¿Qué?” Dijo la madre de Jake en tono enfadado. “¡Ese no es el anillo de boda que te regalé! ¿De dónde lo has sacado?”

Confundida por su reacción, Anna se armó de valor y levantó la vista.

Vio que al padre de Jake le había pillado desprevenido y que no encontraba las palabras necesarias para explicarse. Pero eso no era lo que la tenía intrigada.

Rostro Familiar


Anna podía jurar que reconocía al hombre, pero no sabía dónde lo había visto antes.

Sin embargo, su cara le resultaba increíblemente familiar, y Anna se preguntó si no se habría topado con él en la ciudad.

Pero cuando se lo comentó a Jake, éste le dijo que su padre nunca había salido del rancho. Como era así, Anna pensó que podía estar cometiendo un error y dejó el tema.

Sentir Curiosidad


Sin embargo, cuanto más tiempo pasaba Anna con la familia de Jake, más segura estaba de haber visto antes a su padre.

Anna no podía deshacerse de la sensación de que lo conocía, y eso despertaba su curiosidad.

Quería llegar al fondo de este misterio, pero si hubiera sabido lo que le esperaba, se habría detenido en seco.

¿Fue Una Coincidencia?


Unos días más tarde, Anna estaba sentada en su habitación y no pudo evitar pensar en sus padres biológicos. Se acercaba el día de su boda y, en el fondo, deseaba que estuvieran allí para verla llegar al altar.

Anna sacó las fotos que tenía de ellos y frunció el ceño, confundida. El hombre de la foto se parecía mucho al padre de Jake.

Soltó una pequeña carcajada. Qué coincidencia, pensó para sí misma.

Planificando La Boda


Los días siguientes transcurrieron sin sobresaltos. Anna se llevaba bien con los padres de Jake y la organización de la boda estaba en pleno apogeo.

La boda se celebraría en el rancho, así que no había que preocuparse por el lugar.

Pero Anna aún tenía que organizar todas las flores, el vestido, la tarta y la decoración, así que estaba desbordada.

Todo Menos Olvidado


Durante el ajetreado período, Anna casi se había olvidado de sus padres biológicos y del sentimiento familiar que sentía hacia el padre de Jake.

También se habría olvidado del anillo si no fuera porque los padres de Jake discutían constantemente por él.

Debido a eso, el padre de Jake pasaba mucho tiempo fuera del rancho, pero su madre les aseguraba que todo iba bien, así que no estaban preocupados.

Algo Destacaba


Sin embargo, la noche de su fiesta de compromiso, la tensión entre los padres de Jake era palpable. El único momento en que se acercaron fue cuando todos estaban sentados para cenar.

Fue entonces cuando ocurrió algo extraño. Todos habían bebido un poco más de la cuenta y uno de los amigos del padre de Jake comentó que Anna era exactamente igual a una de las ex novias del padre de Jake.

Fue entonces cuando la madre de Jake estalló.

Abrupt End


She stood up, and everyone went quiet as she stated that she wanted a divorce. Her voice was laced with rage, and that confused the guests.

No one knew what exactly had happened between them, but the comment effectively ended the party.

Was this the end? Would Jake’s parents get divorced right before he got married? If only he knew that his problems had just begun.

Meeting For Coffee


With all the commotion going on around them, Jake’s father got up to leave. But there was one more thing he needed to do before he walked off for good.

As Jake’s father reached the door, he turned and asked Anna if she would meet him for a cup of coffee the following day.

That was when things started getting really strange.

An Idea


Anna agreed, and by the next morning, she was sitting in a coffee shop, waiting for her future father-in-law to show up. It didn’t take too long. But things didn’t really go as well as she expected.

During their meeting, Jake’s father kept pushing for information about her parents. She kept telling him that she knew nothing about them, but he insisted there had to be something.

When he realized she couldn’t tell him what he wanted to know, he became enraged and left.

A Sample


Anna was stunned by the way Jake’s father reacted to the information she had given him and decided to do something drastic. She took an earbud from her purse and swabbed it along the coffee mug he used.

She had to find out what was going on here. And if secrecy was the way to go about it, then that was the path she would take.

Was she ready for the truth, though?

Sending In The Samples


As soon as she got back to the ranch, Anna pulled out a piece of her hair and sent both samples to a lab to get a DNA test.

She had no idea why she felt the need to do so, but something inside of her was urging her on.

Was that something right? Did she have a reason to be concerned?



A couple of days later, Anna received an email stating that the sample had been received by the lab and that she would have the result within a matter of days.

It was only then that the severity of the matter started sinking in. Had she made a mistake?

Was she letting her fears get the best of her? Or was there something to these feelings she had been having?

Days Fly By


Days had gone by, and Anna still hadn’t heard back from the lab. At first, she just ignored it because she thought her actions were silly and inappropriate.

But the more time passed, the more she became convinced that she had done the right thing.

And now that she had taken the ultimate step, she wanted to know what the results were.

Getting Uncomfortable


But lately, Jake had been getting into a lot of fights with his mother regarding her decision to get a divorce, and Anna was starting to feel extremely uncomfortable about the whole situation.

She often felt like an outsider, getting dragged into a war that had nothing to do with her.

She didn’t want to pick sides, but she couldn’t just turn against her fiancé either. Did he have a point? Or was his mother right?



Then one day, Jake’s mother lost her temper while they were having another one of their arguments.

She confessed that Jake’s father had been cheating on her for years and that it had become so bad he was living a second life.

Jake was left speechless. But he had no idea what that meant for him or the future he planned on having with Anna.



The reason his father was wearing another wedding ring was because he had secretly married another woman! And he had started a new life and family with her.

Hearing those words left Anna feeling more anxious than ever before. Were her instincts right?

Was Jake’s father somehow related to her and her misfortune? Was he the key to her puzzle?

The Wedding Is Approaching


The closer the wedding came, the more nervous Anna became. She was constantly comparing a picture of Jake’s father to the one she had of her father, and the similarities were hard to miss.

The thought alone had her feeling sick to her stomach. But there was something within her that told her she was wrong.

That she was overreacting, was it right?

Edge Of Her Seat


Anna needed to get those results back. She needed to know if this man was responsible for all the pain and suffering she had gone through in her life.

She needed to know how badly her future would be affected by her need for answers.

And those results were the only things that could point her in the right direction. What did the lab have to say?

So Many Questions


Anna had so many questions about what happened to her when she was a baby, and this could be her chance to get the answers. But she still hoped her assumptions were wrong.

If she was right… If this man was somehow connected to her past… It could give her all the answers she had been looking for her entire life.

But it could also break the one relationship she treasured above all else.

Last Sliver Of Hope


Anna loved Jake with all her heart, and she didn’t want their relationship to fall into ruin. She would rather live with the questions than go through it all alone.

But she had already stirred this pot of lies and deceit. And now that she knew there was a chance, she couldn’t just walk away.

However, that didn’t mean that she didn’t have hope.

Still No Results


Days had passed, and Anna’s time was up. The wedding was supposed to happen the next day, but Anna still didn’t have the results, and she had no idea what to do.

Should she wait and see? Should she call off the wedding until she has her answers?

Should she go through with it and hope for the best? What’s the worst that could happen?

Keeping Secrets


Anna had kept this a secret from Jake the entire time because she didn’t want to ruin his family over a silly hunch.

But could she keep doing it? Could she proceed with the wedding even though she didn’t have the answer?

That was something she couldn’t even answer herself. There was so much riding on this, and it all came down to her.

Hours Before The Wedding


Anna decided she was just being silly. There was no way Jake’s father could’ve known her mother. She was just holding on to ghosts of her past, and it was ruining everything she held dear.

She knew how her mind could get the better of her, and that was exactly what was happening here.

She had no reason to be afraid, so she was making one up. Or was she?

Pushing Through


Anna decided to proceed with the wedding and was busy getting dressed when one of her bridesmaids came in holding an envelope addressed to her. It was from the lab.

Her breath caught in her throat as her heart slammed against the wall of her chest.

It was the moment of truth. And it couldn’t have come at a worse time.

He Had To Know


Anna opened the envelope, and her world came crashing down around her as she saw the results.

With a tear-stained face, she rushed to Jake’s room and handed him the envelope.

What did the results say? And how would Jake react to her doing something so massive behind his back? Would he understand? Or would he push her away?

His Reaction


At first, Jake was confused, but as he read the results, his expression changed. His fury was evident as he said, “I can’t marry you… I’m so sorry.”

With that, he stormed out of the room. More tears rolled down Anna’s cheeks as she realized what had just happened.

Their relationship was over, and there was nothing she could do about it.

Following Him


But that didn’t mean she would give up. Anna followed Jake through the venue. She listened as he told all the guests that there would be no wedding.

And then she followed him into the massive maze of a garden.

It was clear that he was furious about what he saw. But how would that affect her? How would it affect their relationship?

She Felt Very Bad


Anna felt terrible about showing those results to Jake right before their wedding. But what else could she do? It wasn’t like they could go through with it now that the truth was revealed.

It didn’t matter how much she loved him. There was no way she could marry her own brother.

But she knew that wasn’t the biggest thing going on here. They still had to tell his parents.

It Was All Her Fault


Anna felt that she was to blame for everything that had gone wrong that day. If she didn’t do the test, they would be getting married at that moment.

But instead, she was chasing her best friend through a garden in the middle of nowhere. Would

he ever be able to forgive her? Could the two of them have any kind of relationship at all?

Talking It Through


Anna eventually caught up with Jake, and the two of them took a seat beneath a massive tree.

She explained what had pushed her to do what she did and begged for his forgiveness.

But Jake was colder than ever before. For a moment there, he was so angry that Anna doubted that he was listening to a word she said. Was she right?

He Didn’t Blame Her


After Anna got everything she wanted to say out of her system, she became quiet, hoping that Jake would respond in some way or another. And that was exactly what he did.

With a deep breath, he took her hand and told her that he didn’t blame her for any of it.

He wasn’t even angry with her for doing what she did. But that didn’t mean that he wasn’t upset.

He Was Furious


Jake was furious with his father. In all the time they had spent on the ranch, he had been protecting the man. He told his mother everything he thought she wanted to hear in order to stop her from filing for a divorce. And this is what he discovers?

That his own father was ruining his life because of his inability to remain faithful? Could it get any worse than that?

Their Plans Were Ruined


All the plans the couple had for the future were ruined. That big house they planned on buying was nothing more than a distant memory.

The children they planned on having were nothing more than wild dreams.

All he wanted was to have a life with the woman he loved more than life itself. And his father ripped that away from him.

What Now?


But that left the couple with one question. What now? They had both agreed that their relationship was terminated the moment they saw the results. But what did that mean?

Would they go their separate ways and never see each other again?

Would Anna go back to being the lonely girl whose parents ruined every single fiber of her being?

A Promise To Keep


The answer to both those questions was no. Jake would never hurt her like that.

Even though all their plans went up in smoke, he made her a promise, and he was determined to keep it.

He might not be her husband, but he could still give her a family worth talking about. He could be the brother she always wanted and the best friend she always needed.

Could He Ever Be Forgiven?


However, the situation with their father was a whole different story. Jake didn’t think he would ever be able to forgive the man.

In fact, he was so angry that he never wanted to see him again. He had realized that his mother was right for wanting a divorce. And he would do whatever he could to help her get one.

In order to protect the privacy of those depicted, some names, locations, and identifying characteristics have been changed and are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblances to actual events or places or persons, living or dead, are entirely coincidental.