40 Years After Stepdad Gives Up Dream Car To Raise Kids, Daughter Plans Surprise


This heartwarming story is about a stepfather’s sacrifice and a daughter’s profound gratitude. Over forty years ago, Dave Frase gave up his cherished 1973 Corvette Stingray to provide for the family of the woman he was to marry. Decades later, his stepdaughter, Janis Higgins, now a successful businesswoman, repaid his selflessness in an unforgettable way. Through a viral video, Higgins surprised Frase with a restored version of his dream car, showcasing the enduring bond and love between them. This story highlights the power of family, sacrifice, and the lasting impact of unconditional love.

A Sacrifice for Family

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Parents often make sacrifices for their children’s needs, but more than 40 years ago, a stepfather gave up his dream car to help raise the kids of the woman he was to marry. In 1976, when Dave Frase proposed to the mother of Janis Higgins, he also promised to adopt and take care of her children. Higgins and her younger brother were still little kids when Frase stepped up and became the provider for their family. However, to ensure he could actually provide, Frase had to sell his 1973 Corvette Stingray, as the sleek sports car wasn’t suitable for a family of four.

A Daughter’s Gratitude

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Higgins never forgot the sacrifice Frase made for them. She eventually grew up to become a successful businesswoman in Austin, Texas, and could afford to repay Frase’s sacrifice by buying his dream car. In March 2018, Higgins uploaded a personal video of her surprise for Frase on her YouTube business page, which garnered over 6.2 million views and more than 5,000 comments. Though it has been years, the viral video still draws reactions from viewers and interviews from the press who want to know the story behind her precious gift.

A Father’s Unconditional Love

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In a post on Facebook on June 16, 2022, Higgins wrote that she never regarded Frase as a stepfather as he was “the one and only dad” she and her brother knew. She praised her father for doing “a million things he didn’t have to do,” as his wife’s children weren’t biologically his. Higgins further shared that Frase loved her and her brother unconditionally and was always there for them no matter what happened. She emphasized that Frase was more than just a stepfather; he was their true dad in every sense of the word.

A Heartwarming Reunion

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Higgins pulled off the surprise for Frase with the help of her husband and other family members. After dining at a restaurant, they headed to the parking lot, where Frase saw a familiar-looking green sports car. He remarked that it looked just like his old Stingray. As they walked toward the car, Higgins told Frase she remembered how much that car meant to him. She then handed him the key to the Stingray and told him it was her way of saying thanks for everything he did for her, his mom, and her brother.

You Didn’t Have To

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The touching surprise didn’t end there; Higgins pointed out that the Stingray’s license plate read “YDHT,” which meant, “you didn’t have to.” Overwhelmed, Frase hugged his daughter tightly and gently sobbed in her arms. They stayed locked in an embrace for minutes before Frase inspected the car, which was in mint condition. In November 2022, Frase turned 85 and celebrated with a trip to New Bern with his daughter, son-in-law, and grandchildren. “So happy you are healthy again and able to take a trip to New Bern with us!” Higgins wrote on Facebook. “So thankful for you and love spending time together!”


apost.com – Facebook – https://www.apost.com/en/blog/stepfather-gets-dream-car-he-gave-up-to-raise-his-adopted-kids-40-years-ago-back-from-his-daughter/42810/?un_id=1721277564210#google_vignette

The Epoch Times – https://www.theepochtimes.com/bright/video-stepdad-gives-up-dream-car-to-raise-daughter-then-she-returns-favor-40-years-later-2826454