Detenido En El Juzgado Un Padre Adoptivo Tras La Interrupción De Una Niña



Amelia Williams había estado entrando y saliendo de orfanatos y hogares de acogida en Newark, su ciudad natal, durante los once años que vivió.

A estas alturas, ya estaba un poco acostumbrada.

Pero siempre se aferró a la esperanza de que la familia perfecta se cruzaría en su camino. Era todo lo que siempre quiso. Un hogar cálido y acogedor con gente amable y cariñosa que cuidara de ella.



Aunque adoraba a las personas que la cuidaban en el orfanato y tenía muchos amigos, ya era hora de que desplegara sus alas y consiguiera por fin la familia que tanto deseaba.

Amelia había sido abandonada cuando era un bebé, y los únicos padres que conocía eran las “mamás” que cuidaban de ellos en el orfanato. 

Su Culpa


Había estado con muchas familias, y después de cada vez, al final no había ninguna familia que quisiera adoptarla

Amelia sentía que era culpa suya que nadie la quisiera.

Sentía que no era lo suficientemente buena. Por qué si no acababa siempre de vuelta en el orfanato, se preguntaba a sí misma.

Mamá Tilly


Pero siempre había una persona que la animaba a no perder nunca la esperanza.

Era una de las madres del orfanato, Mama Tilly, que siempre le secaba las lágrimas.

Amelia estaba muy agradecida de tener a Mama Tilly en su vida. A veces deseaba que fuera su madre en la vida real. Era una de las únicas que se preocupaba de verdad por ellas.

¿Otra Oportunidad?


Pero entonces pareció que la suerte de Amelia mejoraba.

Mamá Tilly le informó de que había una nueva familia que quería conocerla.

Amelia no pudo contener su emoción y empezó a prepararse para la visita. Se peinó el pelo castaño rizado y se cepilló los dientes. Quería causar una buena primera impresión.

Hora De La Cita


Cuando por fin llegaron, Amelia se alegró, parecían gente agradable.

Al principio se mostró un poco tímida, pero mamá Tilly la convenció para que se abriera y fuera ella misma.

Y con eso, Amelia salió inmediatamente de su caparazón. Se presentó y empezó a mostrarles las cosas que le gustaban. Estaba floreciendo.

Los Johnson


Los Johnson eran una pareja de mediana edad con una bonita casa en las afueras y un pequeño jardín.

Fueron amables y acogieron bien a Amelia, que enseguida se sintió cómoda con ellos.

Durante el encuentro, hablaron de sus aficiones e intereses, y Amelia compartió sus propias historias sobre su vida en el orfanato. Al final de la visita, ambas partes acordaron que Amelia se quedaría con los Johnson como su hija de acogida.

Un Nuevo Hogar


Para Amelia fue un sueño hecho realidad.

La casa de los Johnson era acogedora, con una cama cómoda, un escritorio para hacer los deberes y un armario lleno de ropa nueva.

Tenía su propia habitación e incluso una pequeña biblioteca para satisfacer su afición a la lectura. Se sentía querida y cuidada, que era todo lo que siempre quiso.

Una Nueva Escuela


Todo parecía perfecto. A Amelia la pusieron en un colegio nuevo cerca de donde vivían, y todas las noches tenían cenas agradables en las que cada uno hablaba por turnos de su día.

A Amelia le encantaba, y esperaba con impaciencia la cena de cada noche sólo para poder hablar de su día en el colegio.

Pero no pasó mucho tiempo hasta que se dio cuenta de algo.



Aunque Amelia estaba disfrutando de su tiempo con su nueva familia, no pudo evitar darse cuenta de lo retraído que se había vuelto el Sr. Johnson con el tiempo.

Nunca hablaba con ella, y sólo la Sra. Johnson se esforzaba por conocerla.

En ese momento, Amelia pensó que era algo que había hecho ella.

Siguiéndole A Todas Partes


Amelia le seguía constantemente en un intento de conocerle y hablar con él, pero dejó de hacerlo cuando vio lo molesto que se estaba poniendo con su constante presencia.

No quería ofenderle. Sólo quería pasar tiempo con él.

Entonces, un día, se armó de valor para hablar con él.

Un Hombre Muy Ocupado


Pero antes de que pudiera hablar con él, se cerró en banda.

“¿Me dejas un poco de espacio, niña? Soy un hombre muy ocupado”. A Amelia se le encogió el corazón. No esperaba una reacción así.

Volvió a su dormitorio con el corazón encogido y se preguntó por qué no le caía bien al Sr. Johnson. Hasta donde ella sabía, se había portado bien. Pero Amelia pronto descubriría cuál era el problema.

En Casa


Un día especialmente nevado, Amelia no fue a clase. No le importaba, la mayoría de sus amigos también estaban en casa, y lo vio como la oportunidad perfecta para ponerse al día con la lectura.

Pero entonces, las cosas tomaron un giro extraño.

El señor Johnson también estaba en casa y Amelia se dio cuenta de que no paraba de hablar por teléfono. Él se sobresaltó al verla en casa y terminó inmediatamente la llamada.

El Día De La Nieve


“¿Qué haces aquí? ¿No deberías estar en el colegio?”, fue lo único que le preguntó mientras la miraba con suspicacia.

Amelia se quedó perpleja por su duro tono de voz y le contestó rápidamente.

“Es el día de la nieve”. Y con eso, el señor Johnson giró sobre sus talones y se dirigió a su despacho. Amelia se sintió incómoda. Era como si hubiera interrumpido algo.

Algo Iba Mal


El extraño comportamiento de su padre adoptivo fue para Amelia la primera señal de que había algo raro en esta familia.

Decidió investigar un poco por su cuenta. Se hacía pasar por Nancy Drew intentando resolver un misterio.

Sentía que algo andaba muy mal con esta familia, especialmente con el Sr. Johnson, y nadie de afuera tenía idea.

No Sabía Qué Hacer


Al principio, Amelia no sabía qué hacer. Tenía miedo y ni siquiera sabía si estaba haciendo lo correcto.

Desde que se mudó con ellos, la alegría y las risas habían ido disminuyendo.

Parecía que, después de todo, no eran la familia perfecta que ella creía. La Sra. Johnson también se había vuelto muy distante. ¿Qué ocultaban? 

¿Estaba A Salvo?


Parecía que lo que escondían estaba en la oficina de la casa, y Amelia necesitaba encontrar una manera de entrar sin que sus padres adoptivos se dieran cuenta.

Si supiera qué clase de problemas encontraría en aquel despacho, tal vez habría cambiado de opinión.

Tal vez entonces habría cambiado de opinión sobre encontrar las respuestas que buscaba.

Elaborar Un Plan


Amelia ideó un plan y decidió que el mejor momento para investigar sería por la noche, cuando ambos estuvieran dormidos.

No sería fácil, pero quería saber si estaba a salvo con los Johnson o no.

Y la única forma de hacerlo era entrar en aquel despacho. ¿Encontraría lo que buscaba? ¿O la situación era mucho peor de lo que imaginaba?

Nancy Drew


En cuanto la señora Johnson apagó la luz de su dormitorio, Amelia se quitó las sábanas y esperó.

Quería oír cuándo cerraban por fin la puerta de su habitación.

La tensión en su habitación aumentaba por momentos. Tenía miedo y estaba tensa, pero también estaba decidida a encontrar esas respuestas. Si tan sólo supiera en lo que se estaba metiendo.

Había Llegado La Hora


La puerta se cerró de golpe. Era la oportunidad de Amelia de bajar a ver qué encontraba en el despacho.

En el menor silencio posible, bajó las escaleras.

Amelia rebuscó en cajones y armarios. Finalmente, encontró algo que la dejó boquiabierta. Rápidamente tomó algunas fotos y corrió de vuelta a la cama.

What Did She Just See?


Amelia lay in her bed wide awake, thinking about what she saw in the home office of the Johnsons’ house.

What was she going to do with the information?

What she saw was something that couldn’t just be ignored. But if she came out with the truth, her foster parents would be in a world of trouble. What would she do?

Tough Decision


At that point, Amelia knew that she wasn’t safe at all.

And the truth was that she didn’t really want to be in the house anymore. But she had other things to consider.

She had to decide whether to keep quiet about what she had seen or to tell someone, even if it meant risking her own safety. Her mind raced as she thought about the consequences of each choice.



Amelia felt so conflicted. If she thought about it, the Johnsons didn’t really make her feel unsafe.

She just came across something that she shouldn’t have.

Did she want to give up this great bedroom and the food she had access to? Did she really want to give up her friends to return to the orphanage? The decision was a tough one.

What Would She Do?

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If she kept quiet, she would have to live with the guilt of knowing what was happening in the Johnsons’ home.

But if she spoke up, she could be putting herself in danger.

Was that enough for her to give up everything she had built over the last few months? Was it worth all the consequences she would have to face? She just didn’t know.

Not Worth It


The thought of living with the Johnsons and being involved in whatever illicit activities were happening in their home sent shivers down Amelia’s spine.

She couldn’t bear the weight of that secret on her young shoulders.

As Amelia lay in her bed, contemplating her options, a sense of unease settled over her. She knew deep down that staying silent would only perpetuate the danger, not just for herself but for others as well. She couldn’t live with the guilt of knowing and doing nothing.

Confiding In Someone


With a newfound determination, Amelia made up her mind. She made the difficult decision to talk to someone.

It would have to be someone she knew  she could trust. She hated having that gnawing feeling of something eating away at her, and she needed to get it off her chest.

She thought long and hard about who she could confide in. And then someone came to mind.

Was She Doing The Right Thing?


Going to school the next day was especially nerve-racking for Amelia.

Now that she knew who she was going to confide in, she was having second thoughts about it.

What if the person went straight to the police, and then Amelia would be in even bigger trouble? All kinds of thoughts were going through her mind now. Had she made the right decision?

No Backing Out


But she had already made the appointment, and she didn’t want to back out now.

She knew the person was very busy all the time.

The time was getting closer. Amelia’s heart was pounding as she made her way to the person’s office. She would no longer keep this secret that weighed so heavily on her shoulders.

A Fateful Meeting


Amelia decided to confide in her school counselor, Ms. Davis.

She had spoken to her before, and she had always felt that Ms. Davis was someone she could trust. 

As Amelia walked into Ms. Davis’ office, she welcomed her with a friendly smile. Amelia immediately felt a sense of relief. She knew she had made the right decision. 



Amelia just began pouring her heart out and explaining everything to Ms. Davis.

Ms. Davis listened carefully to Amelia’s story, taking notes and asking clarifying questions.

Tears streamed down Amelia’s face as the heavy burden she had been carrying was finally lifted. It was the best decision she had made for herself.

Oh, No!


After Amelia finished, Ms. Davis sat quietly for a moment before responding.

“Amelia, this is a serious matter, and I’m glad you came to me,” she said. “I’m going to make some phone calls and see what we can do to help.”

As soon as Ms. Davis picked up the phone, Amelia started to panic.

Her Duty


“Ms. Davis. Please don’t call the police,” Amelia pleaded.

But Ms. Davis explained to Amelia that what she had shared was a matter of child safety and that she had a duty to report it. 

She assured Amelia that she would be safe and that there were people who could help her. Amelia sat with her hands on her head. What had she done?

A Mix Of Emotions


Amelia felt a mix of emotions. She was relieved that she had finally shared her secret, but at the same time, she was scared of what might happen next.

What would happen to her? Would the Johnsons find out?

But she couldn’t let it all end this way. She had to do something to stop Ms. Davis.

Would Ms. Davis Listen?


“Ms. Davis, please don’t report them. We are going to court soon. Maybe you can attend and be there when I reveal the truth?”

Amelia was hoping that Ms. Davis would take her suggestion and not call the police just yet.

It was a sensitive issue, and she didn’t even know if the Johnsons were guilty or not.

Ms. Davis’ Response


Ms. Davis listened to Amelia’s request and thought for a moment. “Amelia, I understand how difficult this must be for you, but I have a legal obligation to report any suspicions of child abuse or neglect,” she explained.

Amelia felt her heart sink. She had hoped Ms. Davis would understand and keep quiet.

But she knew deep down that Ms. Davis cared about her well-being.



“But if you promise me that you would reveal the truth as soon as you get to court, then I won’t call the police just yet.”

Amelia’s heart soared with relief.

“And I will be there to support you in court to make sure you talk about the issue.” Amelia thanked Ms. Davis and gave her a hug. It was now up to her to make the right decision again.

A Long Way To Go

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Amelia still had a long way to go. She still had to live with the Johnsons for a whole month, and who knew what could happen within that space of time?

All kinds of scenarios ran through her head.

She specifically remembered watching a movie at the orphanage once about a girl that was kidnapped.

Going Through So Much

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And what if Ms. Davis decided to break her promise and call the police anyway.

She would be in a world of trouble, and then she would have to flee.

Amelia sat crying in her bedroom, thinking about everything that could happen to her. She was only eleven years old, and she felt like she was going through so much in her life already.

Hoping And Praying


But she needed to stay strong and hang on a little while longer.

After all, the Johnsons didn’t know that she knew about their secret, and she was sure that they wouldn’t put her in harm’s way.

But Amelia still hoped and prayed every night that she would come out of this whole ordeal on the other side.

Would All Be Revealed?


Luckily for Amelia, her trial period was coming to an end, and she knew they all had to go to court very soon.

Would she reveal their secret there?

Would she have the nerve to tell the judge and jury what she had found in that office? Could she really throw these people under the bus?

What Are The Consequences?


But what would happen once the truth was revealed? Amelia couldn’t help but wonder what consequences awaited her.

She suddenly became very nervous about her decision.

She knew that she would lose the housing and the family. That was a fact, not an assumption. But how severe would the consequences be for the Johnsons? Would they get a slap on the wrist? Or would it be worse?

Pushing Through


All Amelia had to do, was push through for a couple more days.

But it was harder than she thought. Her foster father gave her a hard time and would often shout at her for the littlest of things. 

It was almost like he knew that she snuck into his office and was punishing her for it. Was that the case?

From Both Fronts


Amelia’s foster mother wasn’t as kind as she portrayed to be, either.

There had been a drastic shift in her behavior as well, and she was taking all kinds of things out on Amelia.

Amelia was starting to hate the house and the family. But her suffering would soon come to an end. And when it did, she would be incredibly grateful.

Was It Worth It?


Amelia knew there was a light at the end of that dreadful tunnel.

She knew that she would be out of that situation soon enough and that she would be a better person because of it.

That was what she held on to. It was the hope and belief that it would all be worthwhile in the end. But was all that trauma really worth it?

What Did The Future Have In Store?


But Amelia couldn’t help but wonder what would happen next.

Would she be able to find peace and happiness in a new home? Or would more challenges and hardships await her? 

Would she ever get the happily ever after she had always dreamed of? Or would it remain a dream until she reached adulthood? Only time would tell.

Court Day


The day of the court hearing was filled with tension for Amelia.

She woke up early, her stomach churning with nerves as she got dressed and prepared for the day ahead. 

She was still teetering on the thin line of truth and deceit. For a moment, she thought her mind had been made up. But now that the time had come, she was starting to have her doubts.

Life-Altering Decision


Amelia knew that this hearing would decide her fate, and she wasn’t sure if she was ready for that.

She was both scared and determined to make sure that the truth was heard.

Her mind was racing, along with her heartbeat. But she had always been an honest girl, and she couldn’t let this discovery change who she was.

Going Separately


Once at the court, Amelia and her foster family would be separated.

That way, the judge could hear both sides of the story without any prejudice being involved. 

So Amelia’s caseworker decided to pick her up at the house, and he arrived pretty early. Jim could sense Amelia’s nervousness, but he decided not to say anything. 

Not The First Rodeo


This was not the first time Jim had to deal with a case like this one

And he knew how gut-wrenching times like these were for kids, so he wanted to make the ride as calm as possible by playing some calming music.

But it seemed to have the opposite effect. With each mile they passed, Amelia seemed to get more nervous.



As Amelia arrived at the court, she could feel her heart pounding in her chest.

She walked into the courtroom on her own and saw her foster parents sitting in the front, looking confident and self-assured. 

At that point, she realized that they either didn’t know that she discovered their secret. Or they were sure she wouldn’t say anything. Were they right?

A Friendly Face


Amelia’s eyes darted around the room, taking in the judge, the lawyers, and the other people present.

Seeing how many people were there made her feel even more nervous. But there was one face that stood out above the rest.

She spotted Mamma Tilly, and the knot in her stomach loosened a little as she gave her a friendly wave.

Heart Pounding


Mamma Tilly waved back and gave Amelia a sweet smile. But her relief was short-lived.

Before long, she felt her heart pounding in her chest again, and Amelia felt a wave of nausea hit her as she was about to take the stand.

Was she ready for what she was about to do? Or was she just fooling herself?

Sea Of Sharks


All eyes were on Amelia, and for a moment, she felt like she was floating in the ocean, surrounded by hungry sharks.

She looked in all directions, trying to focus on one spot to get herself to calm down.

Seeing how stressed she was, Jim gave her a reassuring hug and advised her to take deep breaths. But he had no idea what she was going through at that point.

Now’s The Time

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Amelia was sitting on the edge of her seat.

The nerves were too much for her to handle, and she felt like she needed to get the words out before she exploded.

So before the judge could say anything, Amelia stood up. This was her chance. It was now or never. “I have something to say to the court,” she said.

Not What They Expected


Amelia’s eyes darted to the Johnsons, who had furrowed brows and confused expressions.

Amelia had shaken up the court. The room fell quiet, save for the whispers between Mamma Tilly and Jim.

It was clear that there was no stopping Amelia now. She had put herself in this position, and the truth was the only way out. Amelia looked at the judge and began talking.

Truth Revealed


“I don’t think I’ll be safe with the Johnsons,” Amelia said, swallowing the lump in her throat. “I have evidence of something illicit I found in their house.” 

There were numerous mumbles in the court as the judge shouted, “Order in the court!”

The room fell silent once more, and the judge turned to face Amelia. “Do you have evidence to support your claims?” he asked.

Presenting The Evidence

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Amelia presented the evidence to the judge, and he scrutinized the photos she had taken.

He then looked at the Johnsons with suspicion. 

The photos depicted several duffle bags that were full of cash and other illegal goods. Upon seeing the evidence, the court was paused for a recess that would last until they came to a decision.

The Best Outcome

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Amelia bowed her head as she scanned over to the Johnsons.

Mr. Johnson had a furious look on his face, and Mrs. Johnson was no different. 

They thought everything would be a breeze and had not expected Amelia to talk. But when the judge returned, they knew that what they had been involved with was no laughing matter.

Moment Of Truth


As soon as the judge took his seat, he motioned to the court guards.

They stepped in and arrested both Mr. and Mrs. Johnson.

Amelia had no idea what the punishment would be. But she did know that it would be severe and that the couple would be banned from ever fostering again. In the end, that was all she wanted.

Sad End


Although Amelia was saddened by the outcome, she knew deep down that it was for the best. At least this way, other children would be protected from their influence.

A few weeks later, Amelia was placed with a new family, one that would love and care for her, and she finally found her forever home.

In order to protect the privacy of those depicted, some names, locations, and identifying characteristics have been changed and are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblances to actual events or places or persons, living or dead, are entirely coincidental.