20 Excuses You’ll Use to Quit Your Resolutions—Ranked!

Laugh your way through the top 20 excuses people use to quit their New Year's resolutions—ranked and roasted! From "I'll start Monday" to "Life's too short," we've got sarcastic tips to make your excuses sound even more convincing. Read now and see how many you've used!

A hilarious breakdown of the most ridiculous excuses people make for abandoning their goals. Warning: You’ll probably see yourself in at least 10 of these.

#20 – ‘I’ll Start Monday’


Why It Works: Mondays are for new beginnings and… existential dread.
Pro Tip: When Monday arrives, bump it to next Monday. Repeat until 2030.

#19 – ‘It’s Too Cold to Exercise’


Why It Works: Because stepping outside might turn you into a popsicle.
Pro Tip: Wear 17 layers, sweat like crazy, and blame frostbite anyway.

#18 – ‘I Deserve a Cheat Day’


Why It Works: You worked out once. Olympic medal pending.
Pro Tip: Turn your cheat day into a cheat month and call it “balance.”

#17 – ‘I’m Too Busy’


Why It Works: Everyone respects a busy person. Even if you’re just busy rewatching your favorite Netflix show.
Pro Tip: Say “I’m too busy” while scrolling Instagram for 3 hours.

#16 – ‘Healthy Food Is Too Expensive’


Why It Works: Kale costs more than chips, so obviously chips win.
Pro Tip: Ignore that you spend $7 a day on coffee.

#15 – ‘I’m Just Not Feeling It Today’


Why It Works: Motivation is for the weak. Naps are for champions.
Pro Tip: Turn “not today” into “not ever.”

#14 – ‘I’ll Wait Until After [Insert Any Future Event]’


Why It Works: Events happen every week. Your excuse is evergreen.
Pro Tip: Always have a birthday party lined up as your alibi.

#13 – ‘I Need More Research First’


Why It Works: Wikipedia is basically college, right?
Pro Tip: Research workout plans until you need a nap from mental exhaustion.

#12 – ‘I Can’t Do It Alone’


Why It Works: Misery loves company. So do excuses.
Pro Tip: Find a partner equally unmotivated so you can quit together.

#11 – ‘I’ll Treat Myself If I Skip Today’


Why It Works: Treats are more fun than sweating. Duh.
Pro Tip: Treat yourself to avoiding the gym permanently.

#10 – ‘I Don’t See Results Yet’


Why It Works: Muscles should appear after one sit-up. Period.
Pro Tip: Complain loudly while eating donuts.

#9 – ‘I Already Messed Up, So What’s the Point?’


Why It Works: Perfection or bust. Mostly bust.
Pro Tip: Dive into a pint of ice cream and call it research.

#8 – ‘I’ll Do Double Tomorrow’


Why It Works: Math is hard. Especially when “double” means zero.
Pro Tip: Avoid mirrors to maintain plausible deniability.

#7 – ‘I Don’t Have the Right Equipment’


Why It Works: Fancy shoes make all the difference—or so you tell yourself.
Pro Tip: Keep buying gadgets until your budget collapses.

#6 – ‘It’s Just Too Hard’


Why It Works: Adulting is already hard enough.
Pro Tip: File this under “self-care.”

#5 – ‘I’ll Start Again Next Year’


Why It Works: New year, same lies.
Pro Tip: Plan resolutions for 2045 instead.

#4 – ‘I Don’t Have Time Right Now’


Why It Works: TikTok dances don’t learn themselves.
Pro Tip: Make “right now” stretch indefinitely.

#3 – ‘I’m Too Tired’


Why It Works: Adult naps are a constitutional right.
Pro Tip: Sleep through January.

#2 – ‘I’ll Never Stick With It Anyway’


Why It Works: Predict failure early and avoid disappointment later.
Pro Tip: Brag about your ability to quit faster than anyone else.

#1 – ‘Life’s Too Short to Stress About Resolutions’


Why It Works: YOLO.
Pro Tip: Celebrate by eating nachos in bed.

The Takeaway:


Resolutions are like gym memberships—great in theory, tragic in practice.

Ready to give up already? Share your excuses below!