Dog Snapchats That’ll Crack You Up
Do you often find yourself scrolling through endless snapchat dog pictures? Snapchat is one of the best places to find these pictures because they normally come with funny captions and the pictures are absolutely hilarious. Dog’s have such unique personalities and below are only a few of them. Snapchat has certainly become a favorite app for most. These pictures are just a few of the many animals that get featured doing random things on Snapchat. Dogs are most certainly very photogenic creatures and they have quickly become a favorite.
Here are the dog snapchats that’ll crack you up
Dog or seal? This snapchat dog is so darn cute!

Aw, it looks like this snapchat dog got caught in the shirt.
The dog looks like a seal and it’s adorable.
Hello? Are you in there? Mom? Dad? Prevent yourself this winter from this situation, get a retriever!

This cutie wanted to save it’s owners!
What a loyal pup!
Happy Ruffday or should I say you’re probably 80 in human years.

Oh my gosh, the dog looks surprised but also confused.
There is no happy bone in his body he is turning 80 in dog years.
Dogs are so loyal and then you have humans looking at them like they are the most idiotic creatures.

He was being a polite boy!
The line was way too long and he couldn’t wait to get his treat.
Yawning or saying something I probably shouldn’t? These snapchat dogs are keeping their mouths closed!

Shocking and scandalous?
We think it’s hilarious.
After a long dog-gone-day, *Goes looking for dog* Dog: *Goes looking for human*FACE PALM.

Let me in, mom!
What a good boy, he came home!
We all know it’s the truth. Nod away.

If you have ever been to a club, this picture may look familiar.
We think that the bathroom pic is true.
Nobody ever said this came with an instruction manual. *Takes dog to vet to fix him*

Why do some dogs find this comfortable?
They are peaceful sleeping without a care in the world.
So what if I can’t swim? Most humans can’t swim either!

The floaties are adorable!
He will learn how to swim eventually!
Does this cozy make me look cool?

This is such a cute costume!
What a wonderful way to make your dog comfortable.
Count to 10 and breathe. Or sit in a pool and contemplate your life.

He’s relaxing!
This dog had a hard day, let him live his best life.
My human thought that I’d want a friend. Well, my human thought wrong.

We think that there needs to be a backup camera.
The other dog looks hopeless.
Sorry… I didn’t mean to… BYE FELICIA.

Have you ever thought you were in the biggest and strongest, but you really weren’t?
Well, that’s this snapchat.
Trying to show your dog some appreciation and he treats you like this.

Well, the human owner should realize maybe he didn’t want the bed!
They need to be more understanding.
Seeing your human for the first time praying that they still love you.

The snapchat dog definitely lost his mind.
And dignity.
Sitting for a treat or waiting to be hung on the wall next to all of the deer?

The dog looks like a deer head!
Oh my gosh, this is so scary, hopefully the dog is alive.
Don’t act like this isn’t you. This is everyone’s best friend when you ask them how good you are at something.

Well, we have all lied as humans.
Some say they are a great cook and your dog makes that face.
We all have that one friend… You get it girl.

Look at those legs!
This dog is proud of the fact they are showing off their legs.
Class Photo Time, Guys

This is a throwback to when it was popular to take class pictures.
How did they get everyone to stay put and look at the camera???
Model Through the Wind Tunnel

This dog looks like a model.
He is super fashionable and amazing.
Oops, There Is No More Ink

Awww, sometimes running out of ink happens.
This husky mom wanted to make sure she had every shade.
Boop There’s Your Nose

This is the cutest birthmark ever!
Boop on the nose!
When you just want to take a cute family photo and your dog has to ruin everything.

Dogs love to play.
But boy, his face is too excited!
Don’t touch me, look at me or let me move in any way. *5 seconds later, nails are ruined*

Wow, this is so accurate.
No girl can deny this happening.
Hey, I retrieve things. I don’t hike, sprint and or like long walks on the beach..

That extra half mile really wiped this poor pup out!
Maybe he needs to stick to just 2 miles.
Someone bring me some puppachino’s and quick.This car isn’t going to drive itself.

This is us every Friday.
The puppy wants to get home and enjoy everything!
Sorry Karen, I need my beauty sleep too..

Wow, what a sassy dog!
You snore loud, get over it!
Bee’s are friends not food. Bee’s are not who they say they are, forget it honey.

Yes, bees make honey.
But wow, this is rough!
When the cat wins the argument and you’re left with a band-aid on your face hoping you don’t see the guys on the way home.

Dogs are naturally friendly.
Cats, not so much.
I didn’t choose the pug life… The pug life chose me.

He looks like a burrito all wrapped up.
What a cutie!
When your human is trying on her jeans while looking in the mirror and you’re over here like..

Her milkshake brings all to the boys to the yard.
Wow, what a stunner.
Nothing like sunbathing on the deck in a bucket. Lab style.

This dog looks so happy.
Wow, what a cutie!
If I had to hang around him all day, I’d have a long face too!
Happy face.
Sad face.
Me. Literally every day. This couldn’t be more accurate.

We feel this dog on a spiritual level.
Always hungry, always grumpy and sad.
Is That a Dog or a Polar Bear?

Polar bears are mean.
This dog looks so friendly and lovable.
Feeling Good

The smile of the dog looks like he is having a great time.
We hope he is okay!
Weird Googly Eyes

Think fast!
This picture is super scary.
Bad News Is Hard Sometimes

Have you ever broken up and you were too emotional to talk about it?
Well, that’s what happened here.
Strike a Pose

The crossed paws are what killed us!
Oh my goodness, this dog is a real model!
Guilt Written All Over

The guilt is written all over this pug’s face!
Oh my goodness.
Laughing still? Click the next button to see these cute animals!