24 Times Lazy Christmas Decorations Turned Into Pure Genius
Christmas is around the corner, and everyone is busy decorating their homes. This can be therapeutic for some people, but for others, the pressure is on them to be the best in their neighborhood. This was different for these lazy decorators. Remember when you drive around a subdivision where one house looks like Las Vegas and the other has nothing lit up except the door light? Those are the kind of people who did these decorations below.
Even though putting up Christmas decorations has been shown to make people happy and remind us of good times in our childhood, there is something so daunting about the task. Getting out the Christmas decoration bin in the basement, hanging up garland, getting the ladder to put up lights, hanging a wreath… to some, this sounds like a nightmare.
We’ve got some Holiday Decorating Hacks and DIY Holiday Decoration Ideas that might appeal to you, but what if you are too lazy to keep the spirit of Christmas alive in your home? Bored Panda found some people who used their wit and creative minds to devise silly ways to decorate, and we think it’s unique. Some mesh different holidays and make it still about Christmas. That’s genius. If you feel too lazy this year to get those decorations, you are not alone and might want inspiration from the photos below! At the very least, it will make you lol at what they’ve done.
1. Someone stole our Christmas
2. My eco-friendly Christmas village
3. Who said I’m lazy?
4. We are very proud of this
5. Neighbors’ outdoor Christmas decorations.. before the cops made them take them down
6. We were ahead of time this year and got all the Christmas decorations done the day after Halloween
7. How I’m feeling this season…
8. Put up a Christmas tree, they said.
9. Decorations at the hospital this year
10. Came up with this right after we watched Frozen
11. No one wanted to decorate the tree at the office, so I took the liberty
12. I Trusted My Husband To Clean-Up From Christmas Last Year.
13. Repurposing Holiday Decor at its Best
14. Australian Christmas Tree
15. This happens when you purchase your tree online without checking the size. Expectation vs Reality
16. He Volunteered to do Our Decorations this Year
17. My Brother’s Genius Hack
18. O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree
19. Room = Decorated
20. Too lazy for a Christmas tree
21. Who says you have to spend a lot? The best decor hack!
22. This Is a Suitable Christmas Tree Substitute
23. Yes! I Am Sluggish!
24. Blow Up and Done.
Ha! These photos are just crazy enough to be excellent, we know. Let us know which is your favorite and how you will decorate your home this Christmas!
Happy Holidays!
This story originally appeared on Bored Panda.