5 Reasons Why People Are Ditching Traditional Instant Ramen

You probably didn’t spend years eagerly awaiting the world’s first keto-friendly instant ramen – because you thought such a thing was impossible. Thanks to “the Kevins” (co-founders Kevin Lee and Kevin Chanthasiriphan), the dream you didn’t dare dream has actually come true. In just under two years, immi has completely transformed the instant ramen game, turning what was a beloved cup of empty calories into a fitness-friendly meal whose nostalgia factor is more than matched by its nutritional value. Here’s why can you finally have it all:

1. immi is low carb

Each serving of the slurpable sensation has 85% less carbs than traditional instant ramen. The Kevins spent two years replicating instant ramen’s unique texture with a tech-world meticulousness (they met while working for the same tech company a decade ago) balanced by unusually flavorful backgrounds (both of their families worked in food). The result: an instant ramen for the modern era, with only 5-6 net carbs per packet. That’s right, keto-friendly ramen.

2. It has over 20 grams of protein

Could you add a hard-boiled egg or diced ham to round out a cup of immi? Sure! Do you have to do that just to ensure your meal packs enough protein to sustain you? Absolutely not. That’s because, at about 21 grams of protein per packet, its Black Garlic “Chicken,” Tom Yum “Shrimp,” and Spicy “Beef” varieties all have 3.5x more protein than traditional instant ramen – which, let’s face it, isn’t so much a meal as a delicious snack you ate in college just to say you ate something.

3. It’s plant-based, believe it or not

immi’s protein secret? Wheat gluten and micronutrient-rich pumpkin seeds, whose nutritional value has been prized since their earliest known dietary use in the Oaxacan Highlands over 7500 years ago. Add to that sustainable palm oil and Vitamin B-bringing umami source wheat extract, and you’ve got the most satisfying vegan meal on the market… instantly.

4. It’s sooooo much lower in sodium

Or, to be more precise, it’s 50% lower in sodium than traditional instant ramen, a salt-saturated coma inducer that can leave you desperate for water, uncomfortably bloated, and – being mostly refined carbs – still hungry after eating. If less salt leaves you concerned about taste, never fear: thanks to those two years of tinkering with the formula and the use of high-quality sea salt, immi still delivers the flavor you remember, and then some.

5. It’s got the fiber you and your gut deserve

The typical serving of instant ramen contains 6% of your daily recommended fiber. If all you ate was traditional instant ramen, you’d have to consume 16.66 servings to meet your fiber needs. We under no circumstances recommend doing this. Here’s the good news: one serving of immi contains 50% of your daily fiber requirements – giving you the healthy gut you need to help you regulate your metabolism, manage your weight, and even reduce your stress levels. Though now that you know you can get a legitimately filling, healthy meal from a cup of ramen, how stressful could your life possibly be?

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