Man Discovers Strange Rock, He Should’ve Severed All Association With


Cracking It Open

Jeremy moved the joystick to move down the digger’s claw and heard the fateful crack. He couldn’t believe what he had done.

He had finally broken through the rock. But he had no idea what he had just stumbled upon.

He thought that his luck would finally turn around after this discovery, but he had no idea just how mistaken he was.



The excavator jumped off of his machine and walked towards what he had just cracked open.

The sound was like nothing he had ever heard before. It would ring in his ears for years to come, but it wouldn’t be a fond memory.

He slowly approached the hole that they had excavated just hours ago. His boss was the one pushing for them to do it up, but why?



Up until this point, Jeremy hadn’t questioned anything his boss had said. He was the guy that paid his salary, after all.

But now things seemed different. For the first time, he wondered what was truly going on.

He watched as his boss hungrily went straight to the rock they had discovered just hours ago. It looked ordinary to him, but was it something more sinister?

Going Closer


Jeremy decided to go a bit closer. He saw his boss hunched over the item.

He could see his handy work. He’d sheared the rock clean in two. But there had to be more to it than just being a rock.

He’d told him that it was just in the way and that they’d have to clear it to continue excavating. But that wasn’t the case.

Something Special


But the closer that Jeremy got to the object, the more he understood that it must have been something special.

But it was also clear that his boss seemed to be obsessed with whatever it was.

He didn’t want anyone else getting closer. He told them that he could “handle” everything from here and that they could continue what they were doing.

No Idea What They’d Found


Jeremy was no expert in rocks, but he could tell that what he had broken open wasn’t one.

He saw something shimmering inside, but he couldn’t see what it was. His boss made sure no one got a good view.

Still, he had no idea what they’d found. He felt he had a right to know, but he should have severed all association with it.

Unwanted Attention


Jeremy was unaware that the artifact that his boss had made him uncover was a hot item that would get a lot of unwanted attention.

He’d find that out soon enough when the authorities showed up.

He wouldn’t know what to say to them. But once they told him what it was, everything would make sense, and he’d understand his mistake.

Jeremy Denson


Jeremy Denson was a working man who didn’t ever let his lack of education bother him.

A lot of people in his life used to try and put him down for it, but thankfully, he cut them out.

He only kept around the people who were good to him and respected what he did. But there was one last individual that he wished he could have cut out of his life – his boss.

Hard Working


Jeremy worked in construction, specifically excavation. Whenever his boss needed someone to move some heavy objects or dig a trench quickly, he was there.

He was one of the only workers that had a license to use construction vehicles.

But there was also a drawback. Oftentimes, his boss would overwork him because they were understaffed. He’d always be expected to do the heavy lifting.

An Honest Living


At least at the end of the day, Jeremy could always say that it was an honest living.

He’d take it any day over working a white-collar job. He never graduated high school because of his distaste for studying.

But using his hands was where his passion was. He could dismantle a car engine and put it back together in just two hours. He was happy.

A Day Like Any Other


It was a day like any other when Jeremy got a call from his boss.

He was used to getting calls instructing him on what he’d be doing that day, but something was different. From the sound of his voice, he was on edge.

Jeremy could tell that this was no ordinary call. All his boss would say was that he had to get to a site as soon as possible with the excavator.

Bringing The Excavator



Jeremy took a shower and put on his work clothes before heading out. He had to stop off to get the excavator from their warehouse and then drive it carefully to the site.

He wondered what could have been so important that he had to get the excavator there so early.

Normally, they wouldn’t bring in heavy machinery until they’d dug a little deeper. But soon, he would understand exactly what was going on.

Special Request


Jeremy arrived at the site and saw his boss waiting for him. He ran up to the machine and shouted, “Over there!” and pointed towards a part of the quarry wall.

Jeremy drove closer and then turned the machine off.

He hopped off to take a good look at what he was going to be digging. But he had no idea what he was about to set his eyes on.

Nothing Out Of The Ordinary


When Jeremy inspected the wall of the quarry, there was nothing out of the ordinary, but then he saw what he assumed his boss wanted him to clear.

There was a boulder half jutting out of the wall.

It looked like a different kind of rock. Either way, it was his responsibility to get rid of it. He hopped back in his digger and got to work.



After an hour, Jeremy had managed to move the softer dirt around the rock to expose it completely. It just looked like an ordinary boulder, even if it was strangely smooth.

It was far too big to move out of there with any machinery, so he got to work.

He would have to split it into pieces and move it out like that. But he didn’t know about his Boss’s motives.

Getting On With It


Jeremy got on with the task at hand. He was used to rocks, sometimes being a small challenge to break, but this was ridiculous.

No matter what angle he tried breaking the rock from, his digger seemed to just bounce off.

It was clearly made from a denser rock than he was used to. His boss hovered near him the entire time. It wasn’t something he normally did.

A Word From His Boss


Just then, he saw his boss signal him to turn the machine off. He hopped down and walked up to him.

“Are you gonna get that thing open today?” He said in an annoyed tone. This wasn’t like him.

“Yes, sir. It’s just a little harder to break than normal rock.” But his boss didn’t want any excuses. He only wanted results.

Getting Back To It


Jeremy got back in the cab of his machine and shook his head. His boss didn’t understand the delicate work he was doing.

If he was too rough, he could end up damaging the bucket of his digger.

He revved the machine back to life and got back to the task at hand. But he had no idea what kind of mistake he was making.

Finally, Opening It Up


Jeremy moved the joystick to move down the digger’s claw and heard the fateful crack. He couldn’t believe what he had done.

He had finally broken through the rock. But he had no idea what he had just stumbled upon.

He thought that his luck would finally turn around after this discovery, but he had no idea just how mistaken he was.

Jumping Down


The excavator jumped off of his machine and walked towards what he had just cracked open.

The sound was like nothing he had ever heard before. It would ring in his ears for years to come, but it wouldn’t be a fond memory.

He slowly approached the hole that they had excavated just hours ago. His boss was the one pushing for them to do it up, but why?

Things Were Different


Up until this point, Jeremy hadn’t questioned anything his boss had said. He was the guy that paid his salary, after all.

But now things seemed different. For the first time, he wondered what was truly going on.

He watched as his boss hungrily went straight to the rock they had discovered just hours ago. It looked ordinary to him, but was it something more sinister?

Hunched Over It


Jeremy decided to go a bit closer. He saw his boss hunched over the item. He could see his handy work.

He’d sheared the rock clean in two. But there had to be more to it than just being a rock.

He’d told him that it was just in the way and that they’d have to clear it to continue excavating. But that wasn’t the case.



But the closer that Jeremy got to the object, the more he understood that it must have been something special.

But it was also clear that his boss seemed to be obsessed with whatever it was.

He didn’t want anyone else getting closer. He told them that he could “handle” everything from here and that they could continue what they were doing.

No Expert


Jeremy was no expert in rocks, but he could tell that what he had broken open wasn’t one.

He saw something shimmering inside, but he couldn’t see what it was. His boss made sure no one got a good view.

Still, he had no idea what they’d found. He felt he had a right to know, but he should have severed all association with it.



Jeremy was unaware that the artifact that his boss had made him uncover was a hot item that would get a lot of unwanted attention.

He’d find that out soon enough when the authorities showed up.

He wouldn’t know what to say to them. But once they told him what it was, everything would make sense, and he’d understand his mistake.

Men Arrive


Not long after his boss had managed to gather up the broken rock and cart it off in a pickup truck for “disposal,” a strange-looking car arrived at the quarry. It wasn’t meant to be there.

The black SUV stopped, and men in suits got out.

They approached Jeremy and started asking him questions he didn’t have the answers to. Who were they?



The men told him that they were representatives of the landowners.

They were aware that there were mineral deposits in the area and that they were important to the owner.

They started asking Jeremy about where the minerals were, but he felt more confused now than ever. Then suddenly, it dawned on him: is that what his boss was doing?

Running With The Money


Had his boss really taken the minerals and run? They asked him who had excavated them, and he had no choice but to be truthful.

He told them he had but that his boss had carted them away.

Then, finally, the men revealed who they really were. It made his blood run cold when he heard the jargon they used.



The men were lawyers for the landowner who had mineral rights over the entire area.

Jeremy’s boss had an arrangement with the owner of the land. He could use his land as a quarry, but if he dug up any minerals that the area was known for, he’d get them back.

But it seemed his boss didn’t like the arrangement anymore and decided to run with the valuable items. Jeremy just hoped he wouldn’t be incriminated.

All Things Settled


It was a long legal battle for Jeremy. He had to prove that he didn’t know about the minerals and was just doing what his boss was telling him to.

Finally, when everything settled, he was off the hook.

But his boss, on the other hand, would have to pay the value of the minerals he had stolen since he denied ever having them. Jeremy decided to find a new, nicer boss to work for.


This story was handcrafted with love by a creative novelist to thrill and entertain, mirroring real-life situations to awaken your imagination and evoke profound emotions. All events, places, and characters are products of the author’s imagination, and all images and videos are used for illustrative purposes only. We hope you enjoyed reading it just as much as we enjoyed writing it!