People’s Reactions To Amber Heard’s Testimony


An Entertaining Trial

When Hollywood couple Johnny Depp and Amber Heard became embroiled in a legal dispute, the resultant courtroom drama was destined to entertain the general public. The saga has gripped people ever since the recordings of Johnny and Amber’s arguments landed in the public domain.

Against this backdrop, there have been tons of people on both sides of the fence reacting to Amber’s evidence in the case. From the funniest to the most outraged, here are some of the best online reactions to Amber Heard’s testimony against Johnny Depp.

The Basis

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Andy Signore wrote, “I am so sorry to all the victims out there being re-traumatized and used by this awful performance by liar Amber Heard today. I would like to open an invite to a few brave survivors to publicly react to this testimony.”

Yikes! Andy’s clearly not smelling what Amber’s been cooking in that courtroom. Since the infamous recordings debunked Amber’s abuse claims against Johnny, she’s been widely panned and accused of being a fake victim. Andy’s comments, although harsh, certainly don’t stem from an isolated opinion as you’ll see below.

Story Credit: Twitter/andysignore

Contradict Much

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A Twitter user who identifies himself simply as “b” remarked as follows, “Amber Heard 20 minutes ago: I’ve never assaulted Johnny Depp. Amber Heard right now: I did hit Johnny.”

While keeping his post short but thought-provoking, this user touches on an important point. Throughout her testimony, Heard appears to contradict herself many times; probably a chief reason why so many people believe she is lying about much of it.

Story Credit: Twitter/j0hnnycdpp

Low Blows?

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“I feel like I’m watching Amber Heard playing the role of Amber Heard in a made for tv movie about Johnny Depp. It’s wild. The way she’s acting for the jury doesn’t seem authentic…”

Musing about Heard’s “acting”, or rather her doing a bad job of it with her testimony, was rife on the net. Given that she makes a living as a professional actress, the most appropriate word that comes to mind is…ouch!

Story Credit: Twitter/SystemicDunking

The Real Victim?

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“Amber Heard’s lawyers just made Johnny Depp expressing the desire to self-harm. This is the point she drove him to, and he’s reliving it all now. He deserved so much better. Hold him in your heart today, with all those who’ve suffered abuse.”

While the entire Depp-Heard saga began with explosive allegations by Amber that Johnny had horrifically abused her, it has since provided many twists. The most shocking revelation being that Heard may have been lying about it all and that she, in fact, was actually the abusive partner.

Story Credit: Twitter/tasteofsanity

What Goes Around

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“More than 6 years ago Amber Heard taunted Johnny Depp to tell the world and the jury that he was the victim of domestic violence and see who’ll believe him. Today she gets to sit there and watch him do exactly that.”

Well, what else can be said about this gem except that…it’s spot on! Anyone who’s heard the infamous recordings can attest to the fact that Heard did in fact make these taunts against Depp.

Story Credit: Twitter/mimasdiaries

He’s Still Got It

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“Johnny Depp looking absolutely incredible as he sits and destroys every single lie his abusive ex-wife has ever said.”

Anyone who’s ever followed Johnny Depp’s career knows that he has long since been admired by a great person of the female persuasion. Given his ever-green ability to make ladies swoon, it was only a matter of time before a comment like this made the cut.

Story Credit: Twitter/depplyhallows

Beauty And The Brain

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“I am still a Johnny Depp fan, but I am also now a die-hard Camille Vasquez fan.”  Johnny’s lawyer is quickly generating as much fanfare herself as the A-list actor is.

On many occasions, Camille Vasquez was cheered for her epic cross-examination skills that punched massive holes in Heard’s testimony on many occasions. Her skills have even sparked rumors that she and Johnny may now be dating.

Story Credit: Twitter/notbecky23

Holy Cow

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“Amber Heard’s facial expressions frighten me. Something’s NOT right with her (coughs: psychopath).” Talk about a “geez” moment.

If Amber being accused of lying, being a bad actress, and being abusive wasn’t bad enough, more than one person seems to think she’s actually a psychopath too.  Thing is, once you start noticing the expressions referred to, it’s all you can think of.

Story Credit: Twitter/CrazyMomma007

More About That Lawyer

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“She looks so sweet but she is a beast that made Amber tremble.” Think this comment is one-sided? it actually ends with the phrase “WE LOVE YOU JOHNNY DEPP.”If you’re team Johnny (and most are at this stage), it seems like pretty much everything right now is in his favor.

Before you shed a tear for Amber, let’s not forget that this all started years ago with Amber publically accusing Johnny of horrific domestic abuse. For a long time, it was he who suffered all the online hate so is this actually a case of what goes around comes around?

Story Credit: Twitter/lexyrocket1

The Tears

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I shed more tears yawning than Amber Heard did in her entire testimony. She tried really hard, though. I’ll give her that. But the result was definitely not what she expected.

The proof is in all those faces she made during her testimony that made her more famous than she ever was as an actress. Well done!

James Franco

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It’s crazy how Amber Heard is so loyal to James Franco when he is the one actually accused of abuse towards several women.

Abusers attract abusers. What poor Johnny went through, one can only imagine. She aged him 20 years. I hope it all turns out well for Johnny and he escapes this terrible situation soon.

A Child’s Take

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I was watching Amber Heard’s testimony, and my daughter walked in and asked what movie I was watching. You can’t sell lies to a child.

She’s not even a good actor. In all the footage I’ve watched, she acts like she’s crying—catching her breath, sniffling, scrunching up her face—but I have yet to see a single genuine tear roll down her face.


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My God, that supervillain laugh of Amber Heard in the audio recording is bone-chilling. Utterly psychotic. What a terrifying sound she made.

I can confirm that her laugh is from someone not in their right mind. I’ve heard this laugh before, and it is one of the scariest things I’ve ever heard. I hope I’ll never hear something like this ever again.

Final Blow

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So in two days, Camille Vasquez delivered the final blow to Amber’s career. She also strained the relationship between Amber and her legal team.

And she put the rest of the case on thin ice. It’s a masterclass. She brought down everything. I’ve never seen anything so awesome. And Amber deserved every bit of it.