Why You Should Fall in Love with a Pit Bull
It’s 2023 and unfortunately pit bulls still tend to get a bad rap in the dog world. News outlets often choose to run story after story of pit bull attacks which contribute to the overall fear of this breed of dog. We think this is a true shame, because anyone who has spent any time around pit bulls knows that they are some of the most loving dogs ever.

According to Pit Bull info, in 2017 alone, at least 12 different breeds were involved in fatal dog attacks confirming that serious dog-related incidents are not a breed-specific issue. In fact, all of the myths about pit bulls being aggressive, having the most powerful bite and being innately dangerous are not true. For starters, “pit bulls” are comprised of several different breeds of dogs that are classified as “pit bull” but in reality are of a similar breed. In the USA, there are an estimated 18,000,000 pit bull- type dogs and they are the 3rd most common breed to be adopted from the shelter, meaning that there are many pits with loving homes.
Pit bulls are loving and caring animals that deserve respect, and we’re going to show you five reasons why you should (and will) fall in love with this incredible breed.
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5. They’re the Cuddliest Creatures Ever
Ask any owner and they will tell you that being cuddle by one of these little guys is the best feeling in the world. Pit bulls are an extremely affectionate breed and will snuggle up with you for hours if you let them. They just want to be loved and cuddled like any other dog does.
These mushy babies will make you feel extremely loved and will bring joy into your life, easily.
4. They’re irresistibly adorable as pups

Have you ever seen pit bull puppies running around and playing? If you’ve seen it and have managed to not shed a tear or melt from pure cuteness overload then you must be a robot. The truth is, all puppies are irresistibly adorable. However, these pups have an adorable air about them that makes you want to love and cuddle them. Plus they love to play, check out this cute pit bull puppy video!
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3. A Pit Bull will Love You Forever

Just Something
The saying “dogs are the most loyal companions” might as well have been invented with pit bulls in mind. Many pit bull owners say that you’ll never find a more loyal, loving companion than a pit bull. They will stick by you, protect you, love you and stay by your side forever.
They are also great dogs to have adopt with other dogs, and other animals, too! Your pit bull will take his duty as “a man’s best friend seriously.
2. They’ll Make You Laugh

Just Something
Pit bulls are hilarious and have a great sense of humor. Between their short and bulky build to their expressive faces, just about everything looks silly and cute on a pit bull. You can’t help but fall in love with their sense of humor. Like this little guy here who seems displeased with his friend, so he’s sticking his tongue out! Check out some more funny pit bull clips below!
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1. The famous Pit Bull Smile

Try for yourself, type in “pit bull smile” on google images and scroll through heart-melting image after image of these adorable dog smiles. Pit bulls have a way of smiling just like humans. The curves of their mouths and the mushiness of their faces make them completely irresistible just like Brinks the pit bull.
Brinks the pit bull became internet famous for his contagious smile that never seems to go away. It was the very smile that stole he is owners heart when he took him in after finding him wandering the streets in Brooklyn 12 years ago. Today, Brink‘s continues smile warms the hearts of his 98K followers on Instagram. This pup is a daily reminder of why we should all fall in love with pit bulls.
Why do you love your dog? Let us know in the comments, and tag your pet pictures on Insta with #top5pets
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