School Accuses Twins Of Cheating On Test, Ends Up Paying Family $1.5M


Winning Twins

When identical twin sisters Kayla and Kellie Bingham were accused of cheating on their medical school exams, the Medical University of South Carolina claimed their test answers were too similar to be coincidental, accusing them of academic dishonesty. Investigations ensued, and a school honor council agreed that the twins had cheated. The Binghams appealed the decision and filed a defamation lawsuit. After a lengthy legal battle, a South Carolina jury finally awarded them $1.5 million in damages and cleared their names.

The Accusation

In May 2016, Kayla and Kellie Bingham were accused of “academic dishonesty” after their exam answers were strikingly similar. The claims led to a formal investigation by the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC).

Proctors’ Findings

Test proctors noted that the sisters had identical answers to 296 of 307 questions, including 54 wrong answers. This unusual similarity raised suspicions of cheating among university officials.

Launching The Investigation

MUSC launched a thorough investigation into the twins’ exam performance, believing that the identical answers were just too similar to be a coincidence.

Honor Council’s Allegation

A school honor council alleged that Kayla and Kellie were “signaling one another and passing notes” during the exam. This led to the final ruling that the twins had indeed cheated.

The Twins’ Defense

The twins maintained their innocence, arguing their behavior was typical for any test-taker. “It was an eight-hour exam during which we exhibited normal test-taking behavior,” Kayla told CBS MoneyWatch.

Successful Appeal

The Bingham twins successfully appealed the cheating accusation, arguing that their academic and athletic performances had always been similar. They filed a lawsuit against the university for defamation.

A History Of Similar Scores

The girls had a history of scoring within a point of one another on standardized exams such as the SATs, MCATs, and LSATs, according to the personal records they shared with CBS MoneyWatch.

Genetic Argument

Their legal case hinged on the theory that identical twins often perform similarly on tests due to their genetic profiles, which was a key part of their defense strategy.

Expert Testimony

Nancy Segal, a psychologist who runs the Twin Studies Center at California State University, Fullerton, testified that identical twins often have very similar results on a range of cognitive tests.

Psychological Research

“There is a wealth of psychological research that shows that identical twins do perform very similarly on tests of intelligence, information processing, and speed of response,” Segal stated.

Consistent With Literature

Segal added that it actually draws more attention when twins perform very differently. “When they perform alike, it’s very consistent with the literature. I would have been surprised if they hadn’t scored alike.”

Psychological Distress

The Binghams said the cheating allegations resulted in psychological distress for them both, including panic attacks and PTSD, significantly affecting their mental health.

Hostile Environment

“It was a very hostile environment. People we had known, sat next to, and studied with for two years would not speak to us,” Kellie told CBS MoneyWatch. The accusations created a toxic atmosphere.

Damaged Reputations

She added, “They knew our work ethic and study habits but refused to hear our side of the story.” The twins felt betrayed by their peers and professors who turned their backs on them.

Impact On Their Careers

The cheating allegations also interfered with the twins’ plans to become doctors, causing them to reconsider their career plans because of their hurt reputations.

New Paths

The sisters now work as government affairs advisers at the same South Carolina law firm, having shifted their career paths due to the fallout from the accusations.

Fighting Back

The twins were determined to fight back against the false claims. “We came to understand that once word gets out, even if it’s not accurate, it damages your reputation as a person.”

Legal Victory

After a four-day trial in November 2022, a South Carolina jury decided in favor of the Binghams, awarding them a total of $1.5 million in damages for the defamation they suffered.

The Defamation Case Concludes

The jury found that the Medical University of South Carolina had defamed the sisters, marking a significant legal victory for the twins and clearing their names.

Long Legal Battle

Kayla and Kellie’s legal battle lasted several years before reaching a resolution, involving extensive legal proceedings and emotional strain on the twins.

The Toll It Took

The Binghams experienced significant stress and psychological distress due to the accusations and legal proceedings, which took a heavy toll on their mental health and well-being.

Challenges For Identical Twins

This case highlights some of the unique academic challenges faced by identical twins. Although research proves they tend to score similarly, they are still susceptible to accusations of cheating.

Similar Performance

Studies show that identical twins often have similar academic performances due to genetic factors. Educational achievement has been shown to be one of their most heritable traits.

Personal Records

The Binghams shared their personal academic records with the court, demonstrating their history of similar performances on various standardized tests and exams.

Support From Experts

The twins received support from experts in twin studies and cognitive research, who testified in their favor and provided evidence of their claims.

Credible Witness

Dr. Segal’s expert testimony was crucial in proving that the Binghams’ similar test scores were consistent with the behavior of identical twins, supporting their case.

Public Perception

The case drew significant public attention and media coverage, highlighting the issues of academic dishonesty accusations as well as the unique situation faced by identical twins.

Jury’s Decision

The jury’s decision to award the twins $1.5 million in damages was a significant vindication for Kayla and Kellie, validating their claims of defamation.

Medical Careers

Despite their victory in court, the accusations severely impacted the twins’ aspirations to become doctors, forcing them to abandon their plans and seek alternative career paths.

Transition To Law

The sisters decided to transition to careers in law and government affairs, finding new professional opportunities after the damage to their reputations.

Legal Precedent

This case sets a legal precedent for defamation and academic dishonesty allegations, potentially influencing future cases involving similar accusations.

University Accountability

The case also underscores the importance of university accountability in handling such allegations fairly and without bias, ensuring due process for each and every student.

False Accusations

The psychological impact of false accusations can be devastating, as seen in the Bingham case, highlighting the need for careful consideration in such matters.

Genetically Identical

Identical twins share 100% of their DNA, which can result in similar cognitive processing and academic performance. This should be taken into consideration in academic assessments.

Media Coverage

This case was widely covered by media outlets, bringing attention to the issue of academic dishonesty, false accusations, and the unusual, often misunderstood challenges faced by identical twins.

Public Support

The twins received public support and empathy throughout their legal battle, with many people rallying behind their cause and advocating for justice.

Lessons Learned

The Binghams’ story teaches important lessons about fairness, justice, and the impact of unfair allegations, emphasizing the need for thorough investigations and unbiased conclusions.

Academic Integrity Policies

The case may also influence how academic institutions develop and enforce their academic integrity policies, ensuring that any accusations are handled fairly and with transparency.

Future Aspirations

Despite the setbacks, the Bingham twins continue to pursue their careers with resilience and determination, looking forward to the new opportunities and challenges ahead.

CBS News: Identical twin sisters were accused of cheating on a test. A jury awarded them $1.5 million.
Independent: Identical twins win $1.5m payout after being wrongly accused of cheating
Dr. Nancy L. Segal