Soldado Regresa Antes De Tiempo Para Sorprender A Su Esposa, Sin Saber Que No Está Sola
La Echaba De Menos
Tras cinco años de servicio en Afganistán, un país devastado por la guerra, Andrew Hogan tenía que volver a casa.
Haber estado tanto tiempo lejos de su mujer había sido duro para él. Estaba ansioso por volver a casa con ella.
Quería darle una sorpresa. Sin embargo, cuando cruzó la puerta de su casa, fue recibido con una sorpresa que le cambió la vida.
Lo Llevaba En La Sangre
Desde que era niño, Andrew Hogan siempre quiso servir a su país. De hecho, lo llevaba en la sangre.
Sabía que algún día seguiría los pasos de su abuelo y de su padre, ambos militares.
El amor de su vida, Amy, no podría estar más orgullosa de ser cónyuge de un militar.
Una Esposa Comprensiva
Amy y Andrew llevaban saliendo desde la universidad. En pocos años se casaron y tuvieron dos hijos.
Como Andrew hablaba constantemente de alistarse en los marines, Amy sabía que él soñaba con ingresar en el servicio.
Aunque Amy le apoyaba, comprendía las dificultades a las que se enfrentan las esposas de militares. No obstante, apoyó a Andrew. En poco tiempo, empezaría a afectarle negativamente.
La tensión del despliegue de Andrew pronto empezó a hacer mella en Amy. A pesar de hacerse amiga de otras esposas de militares, seguía sintiéndose sola.
La soledad la rodeaba. Criar sola a sus dos hijos le resultaba difícil sin su marido. Como madre,
Amy se sentía frustrada porque tenía que llevar y traer a sus hijos del colegio todos los días y preparar las comidas y limpiar la casa.
Su Plan
Cuando Andrew regresó por fin a casa, observó que Amy no parecía ser ella misma. Era evidente que estaba cansada y estresada.
Era hora de aliviar parte del estrés. Como ambos necesitaban un descanso,
Andrew ideó un plan para ayudar a su mujer a volver a ser ella misma. Estaba claro lo que tenía que hacer.
Todo Era Perfecto
Su plan secreto era organizar que ella pasara el fin de semana en un balneario. Seguro que así aliviaría todas sus preocupaciones y su estrés.
A medida que se acercaba el día de la escapada, todo estaba preparado.
Mientras le servía el desayuno en la cama, colocó estratégicamente la tarjeta regalo en la bandeja. Sin embargo, la respuesta que Andrew recibió de su mujer fue inesperada.
Una Respuesta Inesperada
Andrew no podía creer lo que acababa de ver. A pesar de su gesto, Amy no estaba impresionada. En respuesta, le miró fijamente y le preguntó si hablaba en serio.
A pesar de que no esperaba que ella lo rechazara, él sólo quería sorprenderla con algo bonito.
Era necesario entender bien qué había salido mal. Sin embargo, Amy estaba a punto de decirle lo que pensaba.
Tiempo De Calidad
Amy le dijo que no necesitaba estar fuera de casa. Quería estar con él y con sus hijos.
Él acababa de regresar y la cuestión era pasar el mayor tiempo posible con él.
No podía soportarlo más. Cómo podía Andrés ser tan desconsiderado y esperar que ella simplemente se plegara a todos sus planes?
A pesar de comprender el punto de vista de Amy, Andrew quería facilitarle las cosas. ¿Es posible que ella necesitara un tiempo lejos de sus hijos?
Su primera impresión de ella a su regreso fue que parecía tensa, pero pensó que era sólo porque estaba preocupada por él.
Para Andrew no era obvio que él tuviera problemas más graves.
El Regreso
No pasó mucho tiempo antes de que llamaran a Andrew para un segundo despliegue. No cabía duda de que Amy no estaba contenta con la noticia, y parecía especialmente irritada con ella.
Para ella era obvio que él quería hacerlo. Su matrimonio empezó con el apoyo de ella, pero desde entonces no ha sido tan comprensiva.
En cuanto Andrew se dio cuenta de que algo iba mal, supo que tenía que investigar.
Tiempo Para Sí Misma
Mientras Andrew volvía a estar fuera, Amy decidió aprovechar el tiempo para reinventar su vida.
Era hora de vivir su vida, y no iba a esperar más a Andrew.
Estaba cansada de vivir como madre soltera cuidando de sus dos hijos ella sola. Le estaba pasando factura. Amy decidió hacer algo drástico.
Poco O Ningún Contacto
A medida que pasaban los meses, Andrew y Amy hablaban por Skype para que sus hijos pudieran ver a su padre, pero Andrew podía ver un cambio en Amy.
Se había vuelto distante y a veces dejaba que los niños hablaran con él mientras ella estaba ocupada con otra cosa de fondo.
Andrew empezaba a preocuparse.
No Estaba En Casa
La siguiente vez que Andrew hizo una llamada por Skype, Amy ni siquiera estaba en casa. Sus padres estaban cuidando a los niños. Esto no era inusual, pero Andrew seguía preocupado.
Andrew preguntó a sus suegros dónde estaba Amy, ya que tenía muchas ganas de verla.
Le dijeron que había salido por la noche con unos amigos. Era una señal de lo que estaba por venir.
Andrew se había distraído y no podía concentrarse en lo que tenía que hacer.
Recibió algunas quejas y tuvo que ser disciplinado.
No estaba seguro de lo que tramaba su esposa, pero lo estaba volviendo loco. Afectaba a sus deberes y todo el mundo a su alrededor se había dado cuenta. Andrés corría el riesgo de perderlo todo.
Diario Lleno
Mientras tanto, mientras Andrew sufría, Amy vivía su mejor vida. Su agenda estaba llena de planes que ella y sus amigos habían hecho, incluido un fin de semana en Miami.
Todo el mundo a su alrededor se había dado cuenta de lo burbujeante y animada que se había mostrado en las últimas semanas.
Un amigo, en particular, decidió que Amy estaba actuando de forma imprudente, y que necesitaba hacerle saber a su mejor amigo, Andrew, lo que estaba pasando.
Un Amigo De Verdad
Andrew y Greg se conocían desde la universidad y eran mejores amigos desde entonces. Se conocieron más o menos al mismo tiempo que Andrew y Amy.
Habían formado parte del mismo círculo de amigos. Greg fue el padrino de Andrew en su boda y, por supuesto, Andrew fue el suyo cuando finalmente se casó.
Andrew siempre podía contar con Greg para cualquier cosa.
La Llamada
Hacía unos meses que los amigos no se hablaban. Andrew estaba desplegado y Greg sabía que sus llamadas estaban reservadas sólo para la esposa, los hijos y sus padres.
Pero esta vez, Greg decidió llamar a su amigo. Sentía que era importante.
Cuando Andrew escuchó su voz al teléfono, pensó que Greg tenía malas noticias, pero en cambio, eran noticias que ya esperaba.
Nuevos Amigos
Greg le contó que Amy había estado actuando de forma extraña durante los últimos meses.
Ni siquiera se acordaba de que era su cumpleaños y ni siquiera venía a su fiesta. Esto era definitivamente fuera de lo común, Greg era un buen amigo de ambos.
Algo estaba pasando con su mujer, sólo que no tenía ni idea de lo mal que se había puesto. Necesitaba una manera de asegurarse.
Le Sacudió Hasta La Médula
Andrés sabía que de alguna manera había perdido a su esposa. Ella era una ley en sí misma.
Greg dijo que ahora tenía nuevos amigos y eso no era lo más chocante. ¿Nuevos amigos que él ni siquiera conocía?
¿Por qué no se lo habría contado su mujer? Pero lo que Greg le dijo a continuación realmente sacudió al veterano hasta la médula.
Chica Fiestera
Estaba a punto de conocer una dura verdad que, aunque sospechaba, no quería tener que creer.
Andrew se enteró de que ella dejaba constantemente a sus hijos con sus padres o con los de él y se iba durante días o semanas enteras. Estaba de fiesta todo el tiempo.
Le molestaba que ella se fuera y dejara a sus hijos. Ahora sus padres no estaban. ¿Qué pensarían?
He Had To Make A Plan
When she eventually returned, the kids weren’t even interested in her. Andrew was afraid the same would happen to him once he returned. He imagined how they felt having both of their parents walking out on them at the same time.
He felt awful and knew he had to fix things.
He brainstormed a way to figure out exactly what to do. He needed to make a plan.
What Was Going On
What was she doing? Why was she shunning old friends and making new ones? Why was she partying so much and leaving their kids to fend for themselves?
He felt his fists clench in anger as he tried to think of any reason his wife would go to such lengths. Was she punishing him?
If she was, it was a sick joke punishing their kids to get back at him. But then he thought of the good times, something must have been up.
Still Loved Her
He still loved her but what she was doing made him angry. This was not the woman he married.
He needed to talk to her and confront her about her behavior and there was only one way to do it.
He had hoped that things could still be talked out if she cared at all about him or the kids. But he had no idea just how bad things actually were.
Early Leave
First thing the next morning, Andrew went to speak to one of his superiors. The only way to get through to his wife was to speak to her in person.
But it would be a sad day for Andrew as he was denied an early leave.
He would already be leaving earlier than usual in a few weeks, he just had to wait it out. But his family depended on it, he needed to get home no matter what.
Eyes On The Ground
Andrew had another plan in the meantime. He needed eyes on the ground to watch his family and especially what his wife was doing with her time.
He called Greg and asked if he could do some spying for him. Greg was hesitant at first but eventually agreed.
Andrew was his best friend and he would do anything for him.
Partying Until All Hours
Over the next few weeks, there wasn’t much to report. Greg said that Amy was doing the usual things, dropping the kids off at school or at her parents and she would go out.
She was doing it most of the time and weekends were the worst.
She would drop the kids off on Fridays and fetch them on Mondays. Andrew’s house had become a party venue.
Back To Normal
Then, something different happened. All of a sudden there was a change.
Greg said everything seemed fine. Amy was always at home and so were the kids. Andrew was confused by this development.
She was suddenly the model parent like she should have been. His soldier’s intuition told him something was up.
A Model Mother
She took them to school every day and even spent time with them on weekends.
They even went to the state fair. Andrew was happy, maybe Amy realized that what she was doing would lead to problems.
But deep in the soldier’s mind, something was off. He wanted to trust his gut, but he was blind to his wife’s antics. Andrew’s anguish was far from over.
Good News
It was the news he was waiting for. He was finally going home and it was earlier than usual. Everyone needed a break.
Andrew was excited. He would see his kids and Amy and he would still talk to her about what had happened over the last few months.
He excitedly called home to give them the good news, but it was someone he didn’t expect that answered.
It was his mother. Andrew was surprised but didn’t mind talking to her.
He didn’t want to tell her the good news just yet because he wanted to tell Amy first.
Where was she? His mother said that she was babysitting the kids while Amy went out to lunch with a friend. Andrew immediately texted Greg.
Greg said he couldn’t watch Amy today as he was busy but hadn’t seen any suspicious behavior on her side in a long time.
He thought that things might have actually been okay again. But it was difficult for him to accept now that he was in so deep.
It seemed that these days she was just doing ordinary things. He wanted so badly to believe her that he put his guard down. That was his biggest mistake.
Andrew was embarrassed. Amy was just having lunch, it could’ve been another parent from school that she was mingling with. Amy had always been an extrovert.
He felt bad for judging his wife so harshly these past few weeks. She was the woman he married after all.
But Andrew’s homecoming would be an event he would never forget.
Coming Home
Andrew was on his way home when he got a call from his mom. They would all be so surprised to see him.
But his mother was about to tell him something about Amy that he hadn’t expected.
She had seen Amy purchasing something from a risque store that she never normally shopping at. He should have known better.
New Lingerie
His mom said everyone was fine and she had just seen Amy buying some new lingerie.
His mom joked and said Amy was probably preparing herself for his eventual homecoming. Andrew got excited, this was exactly what he needed to hear.
But the soldier in his excitement to be home hadn’t given it much thought. If he had, he would have been better prepared for what was about to happen.
Honey, I’m Home
It was 10 am, he had just landed and his plan was to first surprise Amy at home and then go to the kids’ school and surprise them by walking into class.
It would be amazing and Andrew was psyched up.
He made sure that his wife wouldn’t hear him come in. He slowly turned the key in the lock and walked into his house.
Sneaked Up Missing Title, Added Title
He sneaked up the stairs of their house. He could hear Amy in the bedroom, she must be on the phone.
She sounded giggly, it must have been a friend that she was talking to. He was so excited to see his wife again.
But he ignored all of the signs up until this point and was going to be very disappointed. He opened the door and his heart sank.
There was Amy, prancing around in lingerie, and blindfolded on the bed was his best friend, Greg.
His mouth fell open and he felt more hurt than any gunshots or other wounds he’d experienced as a soldier.
He had to make things right. He wouldn’t let her get away with anything now that he knew the truth.
After Greg put his clothing back on he had a terrified look in his eyes.
Andrew knew that his profession as a soldier meant that most civilians found him intimidating. Greg was visibly shaking while Amy looked ashamed.
Andrew knew there was no going back now. She wasn’t the woman he had married, how could he have done this to his children?
A Messy End
Andrew couldn’t believe the betrayal by not only his wife but his best friend.
All this time, they were going behind his back while he was away fighting for their country.
He filed for divorce but it was not without drama. He couldn’t believe that Amy sued him for child support.
Staying With His Kids
She didn’t get far though, because they had joint custody of their kids and she could not sue him on that basis.
It would take some time but Andrew moved on with his life and vowed never to leave his kids again.
They would understand more about everything when they were older. For now, he just wanted to keep them safe and kept his eyes on the horizon.
In order to protect the privacy of those depicted, some names, locations, and identifying characteristics have been changed and are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblances to actual events or places or persons, living or dead, are entirely coincidental.