Elite Special Forces Nobody Can Beat


Originated From Japan

The concept of special forces originated from Japanese ninjas that lived in the shadowy world of espionage. But only in WWII did everyone else catch on to what the Japanese were doing and created their very own remarkable combat units.

These are the best trained and most dangerous soldiers in the world…

The British SAS

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‘SAS’ stands for Special Air Services. The British SAS was created during WWII.

Today, these soldiers are no longer confined to the skies. Training for the British SAS is difficult and harsh and it’s known that only 15% of trainees end up graduating from their training. It has been said that a portion of their training takes place in the jungle. It is clear why only the strongest of soldiers are able to endure it.

Israeli Shayetet 13

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The Israeli Shayetet 13 is known to be the elite commando force of Israel. They have mastered Krav Maga and wake up at 4 am every single day, no matter what.

Not much more is known about these special forces. They prefer to remain secretive of their innerworkings.

US Navy Seals

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Everyone has heard about these guys at least once before. Movies have even been made about the US Navy Seals.

They are one of the most dangerous combat groups that have ever existed, they have also been around for longer than most other groups. They originated in WWII when the US government were in desperate need of a uniquely trained group of soldiers that could take on harsh operations on the beach.

Pakistan Special Service Group

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The Pakistan Special Service Group is very similar to the US Special Forces.

They are trained and used to fight back against Al Qaeda and Islamic State forces. Training for the SSG takes years and they have to partake in countless tactical exercises to prepare themselves for it. Those who pass their training earn the nickname “Maroon Berets.”

Serbian Gendarmerie

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The Serbian Gendarmerie are trained in extensive and dangerous combat scenarios and deadly equipment as well as working as non-combat first responders.

But they’re not easy to get into, their standards are equally as high as other country’s forces.

Austrian Jagdkommando

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Did you know that ‘Austrian Jagdkommando’ means ‘Austrian Hunting Force’? The Austrian Jagdkommando don’t mess around, especially not when it comes to raining.

Parts of their training takes place in the Austrian Alps. During their intense and harsh training, about 80% of trainees are weeded out. There is no space for weaklings, therefore this is one of the best groups in the world. They were formed in WWI.

Taiwan Republic of China Armed Forces

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The Taiwan Republic of China Armed Forces was created in order to help China conquer Taiwan from the Liberation Army.

They served their purpose and they are still around today to hold a tight grip on all of the small islands that have been claimed by China. It has been known that their training combines the army, police, navy and air forces all into one.

Canadian JTF2

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Even though Canadians are stereotyped as ‘polite’, you should not mess with their special forces.

They are one of the top forces around the world, but they do not advertise themselves much. All we know it that these guys are trained to deal with anything you can think of, from terrorism to nuclear attacks. Apparently they have partaken in missions that even the Prime Minister had no idea about.

US Delta Force

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Have you ever considered joining the ferocious American special forces?

Well, don’t get your hopes up because apparently only 1 out of every 10 soldiers pass. Once they have passed, they are put into rigorous training where they are taught to deal with hostage and rescue missions, among many other global crises.

Danish Hunter Corps

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Any special forces soldier is scary to look at, but these guys are downright terrifying.

They are not only secretive, but very selective on who is good enough to join. Only 150 alpha males are mentally and physically capable enough to be able to wear the honored horn symbol on their uniform – a symbol of when the corps was first created back in 1785.

Iraqi Special Operations Forces

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These are the guys that would go in head-first into the streets of Mosul to take it from ISIS terrorists.

They are known as the Golden Division, but had to be created from scratch because the old soldiers of the army might have had loyalties to Saddam Hussein. Aside from combat, they also get a lot of pilot-relevant training.

French Commandos Marine

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They were created during WWII at the same time as their British counterparts.

Training is just as grueling and only 600 are allowed to be called “Green Berets.” Called Stage Commando, it entails one week of physical and mental testing, 6 weeks of preparatory training, 4 weeks evaluation, commando skills for 7 weeks, and 2 weeks paratrooper training.

Russian Spetsnaz

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The special forces here are very secretive – but the one thing everyone is sure about is the training process is one of the most unrelenting in the world. Some of their physical exercises have become famous, with normal people seeing if they can complete even a fraction of the expectations.

You name it, they can do it – including being experts at throwing knives (or their shoves that also double as a tomahawk).

Turkish Maroon Berets

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These guys surprised the world in 2004 when they beat out the US Delta Force in the Special Forces Competition. They even diffused a bomb 6 seconds faster.

Qualifying isn’t for the faint of heart, because it’s a 3-4 year process and you can get kicked out any time if you’re not doing good enough. Part of their final exam involves a shooting test that would make any normal person pass out.