Tom Brady’s New Yacht Is Bigger Than The Titanic


Super Yachts

When a celebrity starts to grow their wealth they start expanding their lives. Most celebs have expensive homes, cars, and maybe even a private jet. But there’s one thing that a celebrity can buy that will put them into a very exclusive club that marks them at the pinnacle of wealth.

Here are some of the biggest yachts that celebrities have purchased with their wealth.

Tom Brady

YouTube – The Richest

Tom Brady paved the way and created a legacy for his team the New England Patriots from when he started playing American Football with them in 2001 until he left the team in 2019.

He played with his team for 20 Football seasons and played a further 2 after leaving the team. As of 2022 Tom Brady has retired from the life of Football but has more than enough wealth to show for it.

Wajer 77

YouTube – The Richest

The Wajer 77 is Tom Brady’s newest yacht. He recently traded his old yacht saying that it didn’t have enough space for his needs.

“Our family loves to do some diving. The fact that, with the little bit bigger boat, for us, the 77 allows us to sleep overnight really comfortably. Those weekend trips will be great memories for our family for years to come.”

Johnny Depp

YouTube – Art Of The Pantheon

Johnny Depp needs no introduction. He’s a super celeb with a lot of wealth from his spectacular acting career. One of his first movie appearances was “The Nightmare On Elm Street” but since then he’s starred in dozens of high-profile roles on the big screen.

From Pirates of The Caribbean to Edward Scissorhands, he’s carved a name for himself in showbiz and has a lot of money to show for it.


YouTube – Fosters Yacht Services Dennis Foster

Johnny Depp’s Javoliroja cost him $20 million dollars when he bought it. The yacht’s name comes from the name of his wife and his children. But it seemed that he would eventually give up the yacht.

First chartering it out to celebrities until he eventually ended up selling it to J.K Rowling – author of the Harry Potter book series.

Cristiano Ronaldo

YouTube – Insane Luxury

Cristiano Ronaldo may be one of the most famous soccer players in the last 20 years. He started his soccer career with Manchester United from 2003 until 2009. He then switched to Real Madrid for 9 years.

He played for Juventus for 3 years until finally going back to Manchester United after being away from them for 12 years.

Extra Money

YouTube – Insane Luxury

Feeling the weight of the extra money from his Juventus season in 2020 he decided to buy himself and his family a yacht. It’s a beautiful 27-foot long yacht that cost around 7 million dollars.

Going back to Manchester United maybe with his next successful year he’ll upgrade, who knows?

Leonardo DiCaprio

YouTube – Insane Luxury

One of Leonardo DiCaprio’s first successful roles on the big screen was Titanic. Since he starred in James Cameron’s masterpiece he has since then starred in many incredible roles from The Revenant to The Great Gatsby.

He claims to have put a lot of his wealth into eco-friendly charities. But that hasn’t stopped him from at least visiting a yacht.

Vava II Superyacht

Public Domain

It seems that DiCaprio chartered the superyacht to celebrate the final days of 2021. He was seen at St. Barts where a lot of the world’s yachts were docked. While many celebrities were seen using their yachts to call in the new year.

DiCaprio was one of these celebrities and even though he doesn’t “own” one he definitely charted Ernesto Bertarelli’s for his vacation.

Jon Olsson

Youtube _ Jon Osslon

Jon Olsson is an Professional Skiier from Swedan. His career ended temporarily in 1998 when he quit ski racing. In 2005 he started hosting a ski event called the Jon Olsson Invitational or JOI for short.

He has since bought himself a speed yacht that can reach up to 100 knots!

Nicolas Cage

YouTube – Insane Luxury

Nicolas Cage has been a Hollywood heavyweight for decades and it doesn’t seem like his career will end anytime soon. His recent films may not be as great as his classics but they still all have their merits.

While he still had a large fortune he was known to like to spend a lot of money. Especially when it came to yachts.

Yacht Sarita

Youtube_ Aquaholic

Nicolas Cage bought not one but 4 yachts! His favorite is the Sarita, a 38 meter long 12 guest beauty. The actor bought it in 2009 and not long after he felt it needed new odds and ends.

Cage decided to strip off all the furnishings and have the entire interior completely redone. We’re not sure how much it cost but it must have been a pretty penny. Cage eventually sold the yacht when he needed to cover other expenses.

J.K Rowling

YouTube – CBC News

J.K. Rowling may not have been the first innovator when it comes to fictional fantasy but she definitely made a name for herself when she started writing one of the most popular book series of the last 30 years.

Since then her books have gotten high-grossing film adaptations and with her continued writing, it seems that she has a lot of wealth to look forward to.


Youtube _ Luca

Remember Johnny Depp’s yacht? Well after enjoying it he finally decided to sell the yacht to J.K. Rowling. J.K. Rowling made her fortune after writing the phenomenal Harry Potter series.

The yacht has a state-of-the-art entertainment center even if it doesn’t have bigger luxuries like a helipad or a swimming pool. It seems that she eventually put it up for sale too.

The Next Super Yacht

Youtube _ The Finest

This yacht hasn’t had a buyer yet but with celebrities growing their net worth every year and looking for prospective yachts any of them may end up buying it.

This yacht comes complete with something very unique – a functioning volcano! It also comes complete with a private cove for those celebrities who prefer a bit of privacy. The yacht will be able to accommodate 10 guests but its price is still undetermined.