Resolution for Permanent Change! Tools for Weight Loss in the New Year

The New Year is always a time that people find refreshing. It is a new start, a way to wipe clean the slate of last year and lay down a healthy, well-made foundation for the coming months. One of the most popular New Year’s Resolutions (which will come as no surprise to most of you) is to lose weight. If you plan for this to be your resolution this year, take advantage of a few tools for weight loss that will help you drop the pounds with as little anxiety and guilt as possible.
Here Are the Best Tools for Weight Loss to Use This New Year:
5. Meal Planning

Meal planning is an excellent way to feel safe and secure in healthy eating. When we’re in a hurry and have no plan, we tend to either not eat enough or overeat out of anxiety or panic in case we can’t get more food within the next few hours. Instead of running into this issue, plan your meals. You can also make them ahead of time if you need to.
Easy things to make into meals are sliced or diced raw, stir-fried, and steamed vegetables. Baked starchy vegetables, prepared beans, cooked and refrigerated brown rice and quinoa, nuts, seeds, organic natural energy bars, and cooked fish and meats are great to have on hand. Keep an eye on when you prepare which foods so things that expire quickly, like meat and fruits, will go right. Also, keep clean condiments like organic dressing, lemons, tamari, balsamic vinegar, olive and coconut oils, mustard, and organic ketchup.
When you are meal planning, mix it up each day. Find a diet that works best for you. Having the same meal time after time will likely make you irritated and bored. You are likelier to go off your diet than stick to it when you feel like this! Be mindful, and only eat food you enjoy. If you want to avoid cooking, look into meal delivery services. They have healthy and efficient options.
If you are too lazy to measure the portions each day, look no further than portion-controlled containers. These little guys will measure the portions for you, making losing weight more manageable and fun! The containers will tell you how much veggies, protein, carbs, and fats you can have in each meal. We picked out our favorite meal prep containers so that you can get started with this excellent option.
4. Daily Motivation

Find books, CDs, MP3s, blogs, podcasts, and social media personalities for daily motivation to help you stay positive and on track, helping you to love what you eat and how you feel. Feeling pessimistic, you will reach for reaction foods like sweet, salty, gooey, or crispy. Ironically, these foods will only make you feel worse. Call friends and family who are healthy and positive if you need to, and listen to happy, uplifting music.
You may want to stop if you are pinning or posting pictures of super thin models. According to a new study, it will likely hurt your progress rather than help you. The researchers found that the images of skinny models discouraged women by creating an unrealistic standard. Find honest and relatable people who have lost weight generally on social media. You can see their progress and focus on the positive.
Motivation is vital when losing weight, so don’t deprive yourself of it! A positive attitude and helpful resources shouldn’t be discounted as useful tools for weight loss.
Start A Daily Motivation Journal
3. Support Groups

Support groups are one of the best ways to help you keep on your weight loss journey, as you can always turn to them when you’re feeling blue, unmotivated, or pulled by intense cravings. A support group is also great for getting tips, recipes, motivation, and other tools for weight loss. You may find forums, specific people you may want to partner with, or even just a few close family members who promise to hold you accountable and not let you slide.
Because social media is expanding, you can find a support group for weight loss online. Other people in that group can go on the same journey you are. Your gym may have a Facebook group. You can create your own Facebook group or join a Facebook group you feel comfortable in.
2. Before and After Photos

Pictures can be one of the most surprising but helpful tools for weight loss. Taking a before shot and looking at it as you go through your health journey will help jumpstart your motivation. As you begin to see changes, your motivation will become stronger. I’d appreciate it if you could take shots of yourself every two weeks to let you know if you are being effective or need to make a few more changes. Never criticize yourself when you look at yourself in these photos! Remember that this is just where you are right now. Every day, you have the choice to create a future you.
The point of power is always in the present moment, as Louise Hay, author of You Can Heal Your Life, stresses. You have control over your choices at each point in time. Make better choices now, and you are laying the foundation for a healthy body in the future.
Lastly, could you create an Instagram account as a tool for your weight loss journey? If you post a picture to Instagram at least once daily with your progress, you will likely be more motivated to continue your workouts. You can post daily photos like posing right after a workout or eating during a healthy meal. If you document the changes in your body with these pictures, you will notice more differences when you look back over a few months.
Get 'You Can Heal Your Life' Book
1. Food Journal

A food journal is an excellent tool for weight loss. It is a beautiful way to see what you are eating and to help you become aware of eating patterns. You might notice that you are eating healthily until 3 o’clock rolls around, or maybe after dinner is when all the guilty foods come in. By writing down your food choices and a few notes on your observations, you can begin the process of making changes. At this point, it’s not about tracking specific calories; it’s just noticing your behavior. Take notice of where you can add more greens or plan a workout when you regularly head to a drive-thru.
Keeping a food journal can cut down on mindless snacking. A food journal can help you see what areas you need to change. Sometimes, people need to realize how many calories they eat at a meal or drink in a beverage.
Do you still need to work on your food journaling? Read about how you can cook at home fast! We provide you with healthy tips that will make your life easier.
The New Year can symbolize hope and new beginnings. To connect your smartwatch to a scale, check out our reviews of the best smart scales. They will hold you accountable and keep you on track to lose weight this year. Keep this energy far into the year to feel renewed and motivated for an always flourishing you. Follow these simple weight loss tools to start your path to success.