Una Mujer Le Da Un Billete A Un Hombre En Un Banco, Él Sale Corriendo Por La Puerta


En Una Nube

Rob Edwards, un padre de familia de Florida, no podía creer la semana que estaba pasando. Era una semana especial para él, ya que acababa de celebrar 21 años de feliz matrimonio con su mujer. 

Pero, además, había otro acontecimiento que le llenaba de alegría. Cuando ocurrió, tardó un rato en darse cuenta.

Hombre De Familia


Rob adoraba a sus hijos. Eran su vida. Y su hijo mayor, Cole, acababa de terminar el instituto. Así que todos se preparaban con entusiasmo para su ceremonia de graduación. 

Sin embargo, Rob nunca podría haber imaginado lo que el destino tenía preparado para él. Estaba a punto de ocurrir algo que cambiaría el curso de su vida para siempre.

Yendo Al Banco


El día de la graduación, Rob empezó el día temprano para poder terminar todo lo que tenía que hacer antes de la ceremonia. Su primera parada fue el banco. 

Cuando llegó al banco se dio cuenta de que no había mucha gente. Pero aunque la cola hubiera dado la vuelta a toda la manzana, no le habría importado.



Rob estaba de tan buen humor que cuando vio a una señora que se apresuraba a entrar en el mismo banco, le abrió la puerta con una enorme sonrisa y le dijo que podía adelantarse a él en la cola. 

Al principio, la mujer se mostró un poco reacia. Al principio pensó que Rob estaba tramando algo sospechoso.

La Amabilidad No Es Habitual


Pero después de mirarle un rato, murmuró “gracias”. Se quedó delante de la puerta abierta, jugueteando con su bolso y mirando desde los mostradores de las cajeras hasta la salida. 

De acuerdo, los actos de amabilidad eran más raros de lo que deberían, pero el simple hecho de dejarla pasar parecía haber sorprendido a esa mujer más de lo que cabría esperar.

La Espera


Después de unos momentos más incómodos, finalmente le dedicó una pequeña sonrisa nerviosa a Rob y le agradeció su amabilidad. Después de eso, lo que vino fue la típica charla entre desconocidos para pasar el rato. Fue el ciclo habitual de temas: el tiempo, el tráfico y demás. 

La mujer escuchaba a medias, asintiendo… y mirando continuamente a la larga fila de empleados que contaban fajos de billetes.



¿Tal vez tenía prisa? O quizás tenía muchas cosas en la cabeza. Porque durante la espera, no pudo evitar fijarse en cómo la señora agarraba su bolso. 

Pero entonces, Rob notó algo más que le hizo saber que algo iba mal. Una gota de sudor resbalaba por su frente.


Rob Edwards – Facebook

“Hoy se gradúa mi hijo. Voy más despacio y quiero saborear cada minuto”, le dijo Rob a la mujer. “¿Ah, sí? Debe de estar emocionado”, dijo ella, uniéndose por fin a la conversación. 

Parecía que la señora se estaba tranquilizando. Pero justo entonces, Rob se dio cuenta de que estaba haciendo algo. Su mano bajó hasta su bolsillo y agarró algo de su interior.

Oh, No

Austin America-Statesman

Rob le contó más cosas sobre su familia y el gran acontecimiento que se avecinaba. No pudo evitarlo. La alegría estaba a punto de reventarle el pecho. Buscó su teléfono, ansioso por mostrar las fotos de su hijo mayor. 

Pero estaba tan emocionado y exultante que se le cayeron al suelo el dinero y las tarjetas de crédito.

Ella Actuó


La mujer actuó primero. Se lanzó al suelo más rápido de lo necesario. Recogió los objetos y miró a Rob a los ojos. 

“Es maravilloso que tu hijo se gradúe”, dijo. Luego, murmuró algo más. “Haría cualquier cosa para que mi hijo tuviera el mismo futuro”. Ella dudó, todavía sosteniendo las pertenencias de Rob.

No La Soltó


“Lo entiendo perfectamente. He venido a comprarle algo para el gran día”. No podía esperar a sacar un montón de billetes y ver la cara de su hijo mientras los contaba. 

Tenía pensado darle una generosa propinilla para que derrochara en lo que quisiera. Pero necesitaba su tarjeta, y ella seguía agarrándola con fuerza.



Finalmente le devolvió sus cosas con otra sonrisa nerviosa y un par de gotas de sudor más. Una cajera libre llamó a otro cliente. 

La mujer volvió a dar las gracias a Rob y corrió hacia el mostrador. Pero su interacción estaba lejos de terminar. Nunca estaría preparado para lo que aquella mujer había hecho… y estaba a punto de hacer.


Kathimerini English Edition

La mujer sacó torpemente un montón de papeles y una libreta de ahorros. Su rostro se había puesto blanco y parecía a punto de caerse. 

¿Por qué estaba tan agitada? ¿Le pasaba algo? Y justo en ese momento, Rob notó que se llevaba la mano al bolsillo de nuevo, esta vez metiéndosela hasta el fondo.

Comportamiento Extraño


Volvió a mirar a Rob, y luego apartó rápidamente la vista. Aunque estaba completamente feliz, no pudo evitar fijarse en aquel comportamiento tan extraño. Y estaba a punto de empeorar.

Sólo se puso más raro cuando ella se inclinó y susurró algo a la cajera. Fuera lo que fuese, hizo que los ojos de la empleada se abrieran de par en par por la sorpresa.


CBS News

Rob estaba intrigado, pero no podía seguir mirando. Por fin era su turno. Se acercó al mostrador del empleado y completó su transacción con una gran sonrisa en la cara. Cada minuto que pasaba, estaba más cerca de la graduación de su hijo, o eso creía.

Sin embargo, esa sonrisa no duraría mucho, ya que lo que estaba a punto de suceder a continuación lo conmocionaría hasta la médula.



Le pasó la tarjeta a la cajera y le pidió la suma en billetes de 10. Para su hijo sería más divertido contar así. Pero la cajera miró de repente su pantalla con los ojos muy abiertos. 

Luego, dijo algo que dejó a Rob absolutamente perplejo. “Lo siento, señor. No puedo darle esa cantidad”.


Rockford Illinois Police Department

Rob se quedó mirando, preguntándose cuál era el problema. Estaba seguro de que tenía suficiente en su cuenta. Lo había comprobado tres veces antes de salir. ¿Quizá había un límite diario en su tarjeta que él desconocía?

Pero aún le quedaba más. El otro trabajador se acercó y le pasó una nota. “Es de la mujer, señor”, le dijo.


A_E – Youtube

Se volvió para ver a la mujer salir corriendo del banco. ¿Qué estaba pasando? Fue entonces cuando cundió el pánico. Como presa de un presentimiento indescriptible, echó mano de nuevo a la pinza para billetes y al fajo de tarjetas. 

Ella lo había cogido, pero ¿lo había hecho por una razón distinta a la de devolvérselo?

Una Nota


Todo el dinero estaba allí. Y también las tarjetas. Gracias a Dios. La respuesta tenía que estar en el papelito que le había dado. Pero, fuera lo que fuera lo que quería decirle, ¿por qué no se lo decía?

Lo abrió rápidamente y se quedó boquiabierto al ver el breve mensaje que parecía haber sido garabateado a toda prisa.

Como Un Sueño Febril

Daily Headlines

A continuación, la cajera le dio un sobre blanco. No podía creer lo que estaba ocurriendo. Parecía un sueño febril, pero era real.

Se quedó sin habla, intentando encajar las piezas que habían conducido a aquel momento inolvidable. ¿Qué estaba pasando allí exactamente? Las palabras garabateadas en el papel se le grabaron a fuego en el cerebro.



The reason for the odd behavior was now clear. “I’m so sorry. I suffer from anxiety, and it’s hard for me to be out of the house. I didn’t mean to be rude. Thank you for your kindness. Congratulations on this wonderful day.” 

Rob was relieved to know that there wasn’t anything wrong with the woman. But what was in the envelope?

He Couldn’t Believe It 


He stood there staring at the contents for a good minute before he could finally speak. He couldn’t believe what was in front of him. But it was real.

The two employees assured him it was real and even if it was something they had never seen before, there was nothing wrong with keeping what he was holding.


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He felt the joy turn into a new level that brought tears to his eyes. It was money – $200! But he still couldn’t understand why. 

The apology note was already more than enough. The lady had already left the bank, but Rob needed answers, so he did the only thing he could do: he ran out the door.

Chasing Her

Abbotsford News

Rob scanned the street. She was already pulling away. He bolted at full speed, waving his arms and trying to get her attention before she disappeared.  

Thankfully, at the last minute, she saw him and stopped the car. Rob braced herself. However, he could have never predicted what the lady was about to say to him.

He Couldn’t Accept It 


When Rob approached the woman, and after catching his breath from running he said, “I can’t take this!” It was simply too much for just a polite gesture. He couldn’t accept it.

He tried to hand back the envelope through her window, but she pushed it back, insisting he keeps it. “But why? You don’t need to do this.”

An Explanation

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The woman explained how he was well aware that her condition made people uncomfortable. Going out to the bank was a big step for her. 

But even if she had been a bit “off”, Rob’s words had touched her in a very deep way. As a mother, she understood what he was feeling, even if she had trouble showing it.



“When you talk about your boy, you glow. You’re a blessing to him, I want to bless him too”, the woman explained. She gave a genuine smile and nudged the envelope back again. It was clear to Rob that she meant what she said.

Rob wiped away another tear. But that conversation wasn’t over yet. There was just one more question.

What Was In Her Pocket? 


It was none of his business, but what was in her pocket? She chuckled and pulled out a little figurine of an angel. Her son had given it to her for when she needed comfort in difficult times.

Rob thanked her over and over again and begged to take a picture together. She obliged, and they went their separate ways.

The Big Day


The time for the graduation ceremony came, Rob was overjoyed and couldn’t stop smiling. He was so proud of his son, but what had added to his happiness was the incident with the woman.

He couldn’t get it out of his head, so he made a post on Facebook about it. The response was CRAZY!



Everyone loved that story, and there were countless comments. “First of all kid, I can’t believe your boy is 18!” 

“Second, I’ve been thinking a lot about the transformational power of love and kindness. Our life is like a vapor…it is here, and then it’s gone. Thanks for sharing your blessings…”, somebody commented on Rob’s post.

More Comments 


A Facebook friend of Rob’s also wrote, “The whole point of life right here! And it could not have happened to a more deserving person. Great story Rob Edwards!” 

“And so well told, as per usual,” he continued. “When you write a book, look me up. I reckon I got a few titles for you already!”.



Rob couldn’t hide how much the woman’s action had touched him and how grateful he was. “I was so touched. I don’t know her name, I’ve never ever seen her before. But I will never forget her love. I asked to take a picture with her. 

And hugged her neck. We need more of this in the world today,” Rob wrote, “…not the money. But kindness. I hugged a complete stranger today. My son who I love with all my heart was shown love,” he said.



The proud father’s post continued: “Many of you who know me know what I believe in. Sounds kinda familiar, doesn’t it? It warms the father’s heart to love the son.” 

“I am blessed. Cole Edwards, I’m so proud of you! To my bank customer friend. THANK YOU!” Rob added. But there’s more to this story than meets the eye.

Random Acts Of Kindness 

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A heart-warming fact is that in the US there is an entire day dedicated to doing random acts of kindness: that’s the 17 of February. 

That day you just choose a random act of kindness, and you perform it for a stranger just to help them and brighten up their day. But that’s not all.

More Comments 


There were more comments on Rob’s post. “What a precious story! Thank you for sharing! God bless her for sharing love and being an example of what love looks like. We need more love in the world!!!” wrote another user on Rob’s post. 

The funny thing was that through the comments we found a similar story to Rob’s.

Another Story 


Another strange and heart-warming story was told by an Imgur user named “gingersnap1316”. The user claimed that while she was at home alone someone rang her doorbell. 

When she opened the door, she didn’t recognize the man standing in front of her. Immediately, she got an eerie feeling. Then the stranger asked her something really weird.

“Are You Karen?” 


“Are you Karen?” the stranger asked her. “I told him no, that Karen was my mom and he gave a quick smile and handed me an unmarked envelope and walked away. I get inside and open it up.” 

What was inside the envelope shocked her. It was $1,000 in cash along with a letter! But what was that for?

A Gift


“Please accept this gift as an act of random kindness. A cherished member of our family devoted much of her time and resources to helping people through ‘Random Acts Of Kindness’.”

“She gave to others in many ways, and always did so anonymously. One way our family has chosen to honor her memory is to continue in the tradition of helping others in the community with acts of random kindness,” the letter wrote.

Doing Right 


“A ‘Random Act Of Kindness’ does not have to involve the giving of money. It can be as simple as sharing your time with someone, lending an ear, or offering a compliment,” the letter continued.  

“The most important part is that the act is unsolicited and done so with no expectation of anything in return.”

It Doesn’t Always Go Well 


Every kind act has a huge impact on someone and it’s really nice whenever we can to help someone in need. So be kind and the faith in humanity will be restored!

However, these types of acts don’t always turn out good. Some say that if you give love, you’ll get love in return; but others think differently, and believe “no good deed goes unpunished” to be a more accurate saying. That’s what happened in the following story:

The Story Of Ray

Temple Health

Ray, a 21-year-old student at Temple University, Philadelphia, was walking down the street one morning when something absolutely baffling happened to him.

He thought he was doing a good deed, and that was enough to make him happy. He didn’t expect anything in return. However, his act would turn out to bear some undesirable consequences he wasn’t ready for.

Third Year

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It was Ray’s third year in college, and he was totally enjoying it. The young man was born and raised in Wall, New Jersey. Although he wasn’t that far from home, moving to Philadelphia had been a total change of scenery for him.

Back in his hometown, he often felt bored. There weren’t many things to do, and he had never been a social butterfly during high school. That changed when he moved to Philly.


Philadelphia Inquirer

For the first year, it was a little hard for him to get used to his new environment. He was a little nervous about the whole change, and it took him a while to adjust and make new friends.

However, by the end of the year, he couldn’t be more satisfied. He had a group of friends, and he was doing fun things every weekend. But the city also had its own problems.

North Philly


Ray lived in the North part of the city, where some neighborhoods were less recommendable than others. Ray had never had a serious problem, but sometimes there were some antics going on near where he lived.

By his third year, he had seen all types of things. But nothing came close to what happened to him that morning.

End Of The Month


The month of February was approaching its end, and Ray was still waiting for his pay from the restaurant where he worked part-time.

Saying that he was a bit tight money-wise would have been an understatement; the young student only had a little more than $50 to cover his expenses until the end of the month. 

Tight Budget


That morning, he was walking around his neighborhood while mentally planning his budget for the next few days. He really could use a little more money. But how could he get it?

She was so absorbed by his thoughts that he almost didn’t notice the senior woman that was walking ahead of him. He didn’t know that she was about to make his day take a wild turn.

A Senior Woman


The woman was a few feet ahead of Ray. She was walking really slowly, even with the help of her cane. Ray thought about walking up to her and asking if she needed any help to get somewhere.

But right before he could do that, something happened. When he saw it, Ray instantly knew he had to act fast.

Her Wallet


All of a sudden, Ray saw something falling from the woman’s pocket. He couldn’t see it from a distance, but as he walked forward, it became more and more evident what it was.

It was a brown leather wallet. The lady had just kept walking, and didn’t seem to have realized what had just happened. Ray picked it up from the floor.

What Would He Do?


In Ray’s circumstances, more people than we would like to think would have just looked inside the wallet, seen if there was any money, and kept it to themselves.

But not him. He may have been struggling, but he would have never been capable of such an act. So he just ran up to the woman, unaware that his good deed wouldn’t turn out the way he expected.

Doing Right

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“Ma’am! Excuse me!” Ray said. The lady instantly turned back and stared at him with a puzzled expression. “Your wallet just fell from your pocket,” the student said, handing it to her.

“Oh, thank you, young man,” the woman said with a smile. She took it from Ray’s hand and then opened it. What was she trying to do?

A Compensation?


Ray thought she was going to offer him some compensation for his good deed. For a hot second, he felt tempted to accept it, but he thought twice. 

It wouldn’t have been right to accept the woman’s money. After all, he just did what any decent person would have done. He opened his mouth to reject whatever the woman was about to offer. But then, the woman said some words that made his heart skip a beat.



“You sneaky, nasty boy! You just stole my money!” the woman yelled. “I had $3000 in here! Where are they?” she screamed at Ray with a furious expression on her face.

Ray couldn’t believe what he was hearing. What was the woman talking about? But then, the woman said something else that left Ray absolutely speechless.



“Don’t think I’m scared of you! You better give me my money right now or I’m gonna call my grandson so he can teach you a lesson!” she yelled. “Just give me my money and you can go!”

Instantly, Ray felt in his gut that there was something fishy about the whole situation. Without saying a word, he brought out his phone and dialed a number. “What are you doing?” the woman yelled.

Calling The Police

Fetty Images

“I’m calling the police,” Ray said. “I didn’t steal your money. There are security cameras around here, so I think it will be better if we let the police handle this and see who’s in the right.”

When she heard that, the woman’s face instantly turned pale. Without saying a word, she turned around and walked away. But Ray stayed there and waited for the police.

It Was A Scam

NBC10 Philadelphia

Soon enough, two police officers made their appearance. After hearing Ray’s story, they told him it wasn’t the first time they had encountered something like this.

It was a common scam they had been seeing more and more often in the streets of Philadelphia. A lot of people felt intimidated and, even if they didn’t have the money, went to an ATM to give the scammers what they demanded. Luckily for Ray, he didn’t fall for the trick.

In order to protect the privacy of those depicted, some names, locations, and identifying characteristics have been changed and are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblances to actual events or places or persons, living or dead, are entirely coincidental.