5 Reasons to Avoid Multivitamins and Instead Get Nutrients Naturally

Do multivitamins work? We’re told they are essential at every stage of life–children need their Flintstones, teenagers demand more calcium, pregnant and breastfeeding women look for added iron, folate, and omega-3s, while older adults seek more calcium and potassium. But were we not born perfectly balanced, with pillboxes in hand? How have we stayed healthy before the invention of multivitamins?
It’s believed that we do not need multivitamins unless you’re treating a specific condition therapeutically. Instead, what really matters is the consumption of whole, unprocessed foods, a varied diet, regular exercise, movement, exposure to sunlight, and pursing happiness. In fact, food is best processed by the body when it’s free of stress, anger, and negative emotions.
5. Lack of Proof That They Actually Work

Wondering if you should take multivitamins to supplement your diet? The manufacturing process of multivitamins creates artificial nutrients, which have the same chemical composition as natural nutrients.. Although they provide your body with the suggested daily intake of essential nutrients, your body may react differently to synthetic nutrients as compared to natural nutrients found in whole foods.
Whole foods contain a wide range of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that support your body in optimally using those nutrients. In contrast, synthetic nutrients lack these additional sources of support, making it unclear how beneficial they can be for your body.Your body may not process some synthetic nutrients Your body may not process some synthetic nutrients at all, leading to wasted money and time.
In addition, scientific evidence has limited support to show that consuming multivitamins can prevent or help treat chronic health conditions. This lack of clear evidence and uncertain benefits is why it is essential to invest in whole foods and conduct further research before including multivitamins in your health regimen. Invest in yourself!
4. Gastrointestinal Upset

Amazing Wellness
3. Harmful Ingredients

Philadelphia Magazine
It’s best to avoid synthetic compounds when consuming fat-soluble vitamins like A, D, E and K. Synthetic chemicals don’t support the metabolism of these nutrients and can be harmful to the body.
Some multivitamins act more like drugs, aggressively driving down metabolic pathways in your body and potentially causing undesired side effects. An example of this is caffeine in energy drinks, which can lead to anxiety, insomnia and irregular heartbeat rhythms. To avoid undesired side effects caused by metabolic pathways, tea and coffee have reduced caffeine levels as opposed to energy drinks..
Unfortunately, many multivitamins include synthetic ingredients such as titanium dioxide, natural flavors (which can contain MSG), methyl paraben (propyl paraben), microcrystalline cellulose, colors like D&C red #33, silicon dioxide, talcum powder, pharmaceutical glaze (which is shellac) and povidone (polyvinylpyrrolidone or PVP). Therefore most studies say they don’t work and may do more harm than good.
2. Worse Eating Habits

Readers Digest
Many believe that taking a multivitamin eliminates the need for nutrient-dense food. However, this is not correct. Food offers bioavailable water, perfectly-combined nutrients, fiber, active enzymes, and more.
These are what will bring you health, not a multi and less-than-optimal eating.
1. Inability to Self-Diagnose

Do multivitamins work? The answer here is obvious. Studies show that multivitamins don’t work. Eat a rainbow of fruits and vegetables every day and move your body. For additional health benefits, try juicing fresh vegetables and combine your foods well for optimal digestion and nutrient assimilation. Cleansing the body will help tremendously in vibrancy and ease in daily living while protecting the organs from toxic substances, the real culprits behind chronic ailments and aging.