Wife Goes Missing At Halloween Party, Then Husband Visits Neighbor And Hears ‘Thud’



Ross was heartbroken. He couldn’t understand how things had gotten so bad.

Just a week ago, he remembered the last time he had seen his wife, but now she was gone.

He could still picture her sweet face, all dressed up in makeup for the party they went to. But in the crowd, he had lost her. A mistake he would never forget.

Finding Her No Matter What


Ross knew that he needed to find Diane no matter the cost. She was his everything, and in the blink of an eye, he was suddenly alone. That night wasn’t supposed to end that way.

The crowd was far too dense for him to spot her. Now, all he had felt was regret.

If only he’d been a bit more careful. But he didn’t want to sit around doing nothing. He had to act.

Beginning His Search


The ragged husband began his search for his wife. The police had already tried their best, but a fresh set of eyes could never hurt.

He sat in his office thinking about what could have happened. Soon, the husband would be driven mad in the search for answers.

He was desperate to find any lead that could help him find Diane. But the deeper he went down the rabbit hole, the harder it was to get out.



The husband decided to ask around the neighborhood about his wife’s disappearance. He was sure that at least someone had seen her. After asking most of his neighbors, it seemed hopeless.

But then, when he least expected it, a stranger approached him and said, “I heard you’ve been asking about your wife.

I saw her that night.” He couldn’t believe it. Did this man really have information on his wife?

A Clue


The stranger told Ross that he had seen a woman in the same Halloween costume as his wife heading into a house that fateful night. But when he finally gave him the address of the house, Ross nearly collapsed.

The address was eerily familiar. It was because it was only two numbers down from his.

Then he realized it was his neighbor next door. What was going on?

Confronting Him


Ross felt his blood boil. Every fiber of his being wanted to do less than kind things to his neighbor. But was the lead even any good?

It could have been someone wearing the same outfit, but not necessarily his wife.

There was only one thing to do: he had to confront the neighbor and see what would happen. But he made the mistake of going alone.

A Thud


Ross told the police about what he had heard. They seemed disinterested in following up on a clue that had little validity.

That’s when Ross decided to go alone. He had told the cops to trail him, but if they weren’t, then he would.

He knocked on his neighbor’s door and waited a moment for him to answer it. He seemed nervous when he saw that it was Ross. But things were far from over. That’s when he heard a thud from deeper inside the home.

Ross Hamilton


Ross Hamilton thought that he had the perfect life. He considered himself lucky that he had a wife who loved him and a nice modest house in the suburb.

The white picket fence life was one he got used to, but it wouldn’t always stay ideal forever.

He met his future wife, Diane, in college, and the two hit it off immediately. Her personality complimented him perfectly, even if he was introverted, and she’d always drag him out to parties.



In Ross’ mind, his wife was perfect. Everyone always wanted to be in her life. She was the life of every party and never felt left out.

Ross didn’t mind the attention. He knew that he had gotten the best deal when she said yes to marrying him.

But he had no idea that she would attract the attention of the wrong people. She was going to be put in a bad situation soon enough.

October Approaching


It was getting close to October, and Ross was going on autopilot. He went to work every day and did his job before heading home.

Diane worked from home and planned things other than just work.

When Ross got home from work one day, he noticed something. He saw paper and other materials on the floor of the study. He knew what was happening.

Getting Ready


Ross found Diane in the kitchen. There was more stuff cluttering the table. He smiled at her as he watched her work on her hobby. She hadn’t noticed him yet.

He crept up behind her and said, “Watcha doing?” Diane jumped back into his arms.

The two were just as in love as they had been years ago. Diane was about to tell him the reasoning behind her project.

Her favorite Holiday


Ross knew very well that Diane’s favorite holiday was Halloween.

She loved finding any excuse to dress up, and Halloween meant that she could wear nearly anything she liked.

He suspected that’s what was going on. Even though he didn’t really like parties and dressing up that much, it meant a lot to Diane, so he always supported her.

Her Project


“I’m making us the perfect outfits for Halloween,” She said with a broad grin.

Ross smiled back. But then he realized they hadn’t even spoken about what they were going to do for the holiday.

“Where are we going?” He asked. Diane looked back at him and said, “Oh, I don’t actually know yet, but we’re definitely going to dress up wherever we end up going.”

Finding A Party


A few more days passed, and Ross didn’t pay much attention to what his wife was making.

He kept up with his work and was too tired afterward to show much initiative. But work was exactly where he saw an opportunity.

He was at the office when he saw an interesting poster in the break room. There was going to be a Halloween party for the locals in the neighborhood.

Familiar Faces


Ross knew that he would see a lot of familiar faces since his work was part of the neighborhood where he lived.

He’d see a lot of colleagues as well as neighbors. He wondered what Diane would think.

When he got home, he showed her a copy of the flyer. Diane was ecstatic. She didn’t mind where they went as long as she was with her husband and dressed up.



It was settled. They were going to go to the neighborhood party. But the couple had a lot of preparations.

They first RSVP’d, but Diane would have to get their costumes ready.

The two didn’t have much time until the day would arrive when they would have to don their outfits and head out into the night. But for now, they had to get everything ready.

The Day Approached


Ross kept up his work and pitched in by bringing home supplies whenever he could.

He would stop at a local supplies shop and get what his wife needed. But he wasn’t ready for the outfits she was making.

The day finally approached, and the two were ready to head out to the party. But first, they needed to change into what Diane had made.

The Costumes


For the first time, Ross saw the outfit that his wife had spent several weeks working on. It was a beautiful homemade dress.

Her Cinderella cosplay looked wonderful. And as for Ross, she had made him her Prince Charming.

He was astounded at how the two of them looked. Even if he didn’t like drawing attention to himself, he knew that his wife would be very happy. But he had no idea that tragedy was coming.

A Party Like No Other


The two went to the Halloween party at 6 P.M. It was packed full of recognizable faces, but also a lot that they didn’t recognize.

Either way, it looked like a good time, and soon the two got lost in their respective worlds.

While Ross kept close to people he knew, Diane disappeared into the throng of people. She loved socializing. But that was a grave mistake.



Ross couldn’t find Diane; it was beginning to grow late, and he wanted to go home, but she was nowhere to be found.

He grew worried, and when all the other guests had left, he still couldn’t see her.

He ran out of the building, maybe she was waiting for him outside? He needed to find her before anything bad happened.

Calling The Police


Ross looked around the area, crying out her name, but she was nowhere to be found. He finally had to make the call.

He dialed 911 and waited for the police to arrive. They took his statement and said they’d do what they could.

But Ross knew that they wouldn’t be able to do much. He’d have to find her on his own. But as days passed, he started losing hope.

No Matter The Cost


Ross knew that he needed to find Diane no matter the cost. She was his everything, and in the blink of an eye, he was suddenly alone. That night wasn’t supposed to end that way.

The crowd was far too dense for him to spot her. Now, all he had felt was regret.

If only he’d been a bit more careful. But he didn’t want to sit around doing nothing. He had to act.

Driven Mad


The ragged husband began his search for his wife. The police had already tried their best, but a fresh set of eyes could never hurt.

He sat in his office thinking about what could have happened. Soon, the husband would be driven mad in the search for answers.

He was desperate to find any lead that could help him find Diane. But the deeper he went down the rabbit hole, the harder it was to get out.

Asking Around


The husband decided to ask around the neighborhood about his wife’s disappearance.

He was sure that at least someone had seen her. After asking most of his neighbors, it seemed hopeless.

But then, when he least expected it, a stranger approached him and said, “I heard you’ve been asking about your wife. I saw her that night.” He couldn’t believe it. Did this man really have information on his wife?

Seen Someone Similar


The stranger told Ross that he had seen a woman in the same Halloween costume as his wife heading into a house that fateful night. But when he finally gave him the address of the house, Ross nearly collapsed.

The address was eerily familiar. It was because it was only two numbers down from his.

Then he realized it was his neighbor next door. What was going on?

Blood Boiling


Ross felt his blood boil. Every fiber of his being wanted to do less than kind things to his neighbor. But was the lead even any good?

It could have been someone wearing the same outfit, but not necessarily his wife.

There was only one thing to do: he had to confront the neighbor and see what would happen. But he made the mistake of going alone.

Knocking On His Door


Ross told the police about what he had heard. They seemed disinterested in following up on a clue that had little validity.

That’s when Ross decided to go alone. He had told the cops to trail him, but if they weren’t, then he would.

He knocked on his neighbor’s door and waited a moment for him to answer it. He seemed nervous when he saw that it was Ross. But things were far from over. That’s when he heard a thud from deeper inside the home.

Pushing Passed Him


Ross pushed past the neighbor and raced to the door underneath the stairs.

The thud was from there. The neighbor tried stopping him but knew it was futile. Ross was about to uncover his secret.

He opened the door to the basement and saw something that made his stomach flip. Diane’s outfit was there.



The neighbor had a lot of explaining to do.

Ross was considering resorting to physical violence, but he started talking immediately. “Wait, I can explain everything.”

Ross couldn’t believe what he said. The truth was that Diane ended up going home with the neighbor, just as the stranger described, but it wasn’t without her consent. It was a heated affair.

Run Away


After Diane had made the mistake, she couldn’t face her husband anymore. She decided to run away to her mother’s house. That’s at least what the neighbor had told Ross.

The police followed up the lead, and it turned out to be the truth.

Ross was heartbroken, but he would get over it. He’d move on with his life and keep a positive outlook.


This story was handcrafted with love by a creative novelist to thrill and entertain, mirroring real-life situations to awaken your imagination and evoke profound emotions. All events, places, and characters are products of the author’s imagination, and all images and videos are used for illustrative purposes only. We hope you enjoyed reading it just as much as we enjoyed writing it!